Friday, August 8, 2014

Parva 04 061


"Vaisampayana said, 'Having defeated Vikartana's son, Arjuna said unto
the son of Virata, 'Take me towards that division where yonder device of
a golden palmyra is seen. There our grandfather, Santanu's son, like unto
a celestial, waiteth, desirous of an encounter with me.' Thereupon,
beholding that mighty host thronged with cars and horses and elephants,
Uttara, sorely pierced with arrows, said, 'O hero, I am no longer able to
guide your excellent steeds. My spirits droop and my mind is exceedingly
bewildered. All the directions seem to be whirling before my eyes in
consequence of the energy of the celestial weapons used by you and the
Kurus. I have been deprived of my senses by the stench of fat and blood
and flesh. Beholding all this, from terror my mind is, as it were, cleft
in twain. Never before had I beheld such a muster of horses in battle.
And at the flapping of fences, and the blare of conchs, the leonine roars
made by the warriors and the shrieks of elephants, and the twang of the
Gandiva resembling the thunder, I have, O hero, been so stupefied that I
have been deprived of both hearing and memory. And, O hero, beholding
thee incessantly drawing to a circle, in course of the conflict, the
Gandiva which resembleth a circle of fire, my sight faileth me and my
heart is rent asunder. And seeing your fierce form in battle, like that of
the wielder of the Pinaka while inflamed with wrath, and looking also at
the terrible arrows shot by thee, I am filled with fear. I fail to see
when you takest up your excellent arrows, when you fixest them on the
bow-string, and when you lettest them off. And though all this is done
before my eyes, yet, deprived of my senses, I do not see it. My spirits
are drooping and earth itself seems to be swimming before me. I have no
strength to hold the whip and the reins.' Hearing these words, Arjuna
said, 'Do you not fear. Assure thyself. Thou also hast, on the field of
battle performed, O bull among men, wonderful feats. Blessed be thou,
thou are a prince and born in the illustrious line of Matsyas. It
behoveth you not to feel dispirited in chastising your foes. Therefore, O
prince, stationed on my car, muster all your fortitude and hold the reins
of my steeds, O slayer of foes, when I once more become engaged in

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Having said this unto Virata's son, that best
of men and foremost of car-warriors, the mighty-armed Arjuna, again
addressed the son of Virata, saying. 'Take me without delay to the van of
Bhishma's division. I will cut off his very bow-string in the battle.
Thou shalt behold today the celestial weapons of blazing beauty, shot by
me, look like flashes of lightning disporting amid the clouds in the sky.
The Kauravas shall behold the gold decked back of my Gandiva today, and
assembled together the foe shall dispute, saying,--By which hand of his,
the right or the left, doth he should? And I shall cause a dreadful river
(of death) to flow today towards the other world with blood for its
waters and cars for its eddies, and elephants for its crocodiles. I shall
today, with my straight arrows, extirpate the Kuru forest having hands
and feet and heads and backs and arms for the branches of its trees.
Alone, bow in hand, vanquishing the Kuru host, a hundred paths shall open
before me like those of a forest in conflagration. Struck by me thou
shalt today behold the Kuru army moving round and round like a wheel
(unable to fly off the field). I shall show you today my excellent
training in arrows and weapons. Stay you on my car firmly, whether the
ground be smooth or uneven. I can pierce with my winged arrows even the
mountain of Sumeru that stands touching the very heavens. I slew of old,
at Indra's command, hundreds and thousands of Paulomas and Kalakhanjas in
battle. I have obtained my firmness of grasp from Indra, and my lightness
of hand from Brahman, and I have learnt various modes of fierce attack
and defence amid crowds of foes from Prajapati. I vanquished, on the
other side of the great ocean, sixty thousands of car-warriors--all
fierce archers--residing in Hiranyapura. Behold, now I defeat the
multitudinous host of the Kurus like a tempest scattering a heap of
cotton. With my fiery arrows I shall today set the Kuru-forest to fire,
having banners for its trees, the foot-soldiers for its shrubs, and the
car-warriors for its beasts of prey. Like unto the wielder of the
thunderbolt overthrowing the Danavas, alone I shall, with my straight
arrows, bring down from the chambers of their cars the mighty warrior of
the Kuru army stationed therein and struggling in the conflict to the
best of their power. I have obtained from Rudra the Raudra, from Varuna
the Varuna from Agni the Agneya, from the god of Wind the Vayava, and
from Sakra the thunderbolt and other weapons. I shall certainly
exterminate the fierce Dhartarashtra-forest though protected by many
leonine warriors. Therefore, O Virata's son, let your fears be dispelled.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus assured by Savyasachin, the son of Virata
penetrated into that fierce array of cars protected by Bhishma. The son
of Ganga, however, of fierce deeds, cheerfully withstood the mighty-armed
hero advancing from desire of vanquishing the heroes in battle. Jishnu,
then, confronting Bhishma, cut off his standard clean off at the roots by
shooting a gold-decked arrow pierced by which it fell to the ground. And
at this, four mighty warriors, Dussasana and Vikarna and Dussaha and
Vivingsati, skilled in weapons and endued with great energy, and all
decked with handsome garlands and ornaments, rushed towards that terrible
bowman. And advancing towards Vibhatsu--that fierce archer, these all
encompassed him around. Then the heroic Dussasana pierced the son of
Virata with a crescent-shaped arrow and he pierced Arjuna with another
arrow in the breast. And Jishnu, confronting Dussasana, cut off by means
of a sharp-edged arrow furnished with vulturine wings his adversary's bow
plaited with gold, and then pierced his person in the breast by means of
five arrows. And afflicted by the arrows of Partha. Dussasana fled,
leaving the combat. Then Vikarna, the son of Dhritarashtra, pierced
Arjuna--that slayer of hostile heroes, by means of sharp and straight
arrows furnished with vulturine wings. But the son of Kunti within a
moment hit him also in the forehead with straight shafts. And pierced by
Arjuna, he fell down from his car. And at this, Dussaha, supported by
Vivingsati, covered Arjuna with a cloud of sharp arrows, impelled by the
desire of rescuing his brother. Dhananjaya, however, without the least
anxiety, pierced both of them almost at the same instant by means of
couple of keen-edged arrows and then slew the steeds of both. And there
upon, both those sons of Dhritarashtra, deprived of their steeds and
their bodies mangled were taken away by the warrior behind them who had
rushed forward with other cars. Then the unvanquished Vibhatsu, the
mighty son of Kunti, decked with diadem and sure of aim, simultaneously
attacked all sides with his arrows.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 61 ---------------------