"Vaisampayana said, 'Thus summoned to battle by the illustrious hero,
Dhritarashtra's son turned back stung by those censures, like an
infuriate and mighty elephant pricked by a hook. And stung by those
reproaches and unable to bear them, that mighty and brave car-warrior
endued with great swiftness, turned back on his car, like a snake that is
trampled under foot. And beholding Duryodhana turn back with his wounds,
Karna, that hero among men, decked with a golden necklace, stopped the
king on the way and soothing him, himself proceeded along the north of
Duryodhana's car to meet Partha in battle. And the mighty-armed Bhishma
also, the son of Santanu, turning back his steeds decked with gold,
enormous in size, and of tawny hue, rushed bow in hand, for protecting
Duryodhana from Partha's hand. And Drona and Kripa and Vivingsati and
Dussasana and others also, quickly turning back, rushed forward with
speed with drawn bows and arrows fixed on the bow-strings, for protecting
Duryodhana. And beholding those divisions advance towards him like the
swelling surges of the ocean, Dhananjaya, the son of Pritha, quickly
rushed at them like a crane rushing at a descending cloud. And with
celestial weapons in their hands, they completely surrounded the son of
Pritha and rained on him from all sides a perfect shower of shafts, like
clouds showering on the mountain breast a heavy downpour of rain, And
warding off with weapons, all the weapons of those bulls among the Kurus,
the wielder of the Gandiva who was capable of enduring all foes, evolved
another irresistible weapon obtained from Indra, called Sanmohana. And
entirely covering the cardinal and other directions with sharp and
keen-edged arrows furnished with beautiful feathers, that mighty hero
stupefied their senses with the twang of the Gandiva. And once more,
taking up with both his hands that large conch of loud blare, Partha,
that slayer of foes, blew it with force and filled the cardinal and other
points, the whole earth, and sky, with that noise. And those foremost of
the Kuru heroes were all deprived of their senses by the sound of that
conch blown by Partha. And all of them stood still, their bows, from
which they were never separated, dropping down from their hands. And when
the Kuru army became insensible, Partha calling to mind the words of
Uttara, addressed the son of the Matsya king, saying, 'O best of men, go
thou among the Kurus, so long as they remain insensible, and bring away
the white garments of Drona and Kripa, and the yellow and handsome ones
of Karna, as also the blue ones of the king and Drona's son. Methinks,
Bhishma is not stupefied, for he knoweth how to counteract this weapon of
mine. So, pass you on, keeping his steeds to your left; for those that
are sensible should thus be avoided,' Hearing these words, the
illustrious son of Matsya, giving up the reins of the steeds, jumped down
from the car and taking off the garments of the warriors, came back to
his place. And the son of Virata then urged the four handsome steeds with
flanks adorned with golden armours. And those white steeds, urged on,
took Arjuna away from the midst of battle-field and beyond the array of
the infantry bearing standards in their hands. And, Bhishma, beholding
that best of men thus going away, struck him with arrows. And Partha,
too, having slain Bhishma's steeds, pierced him with ten shafts. And
abandoning Bhishma on the field of battle, having first slain his
car-driver, Arjuna with a good-looking bow in hand came out of that
multitude of cars, like the sun emerging from the clouds. And
Dhritarashtra's son, that foremost of heroes among the Kurus, recovering
his senses, saw the son of Pritha standing like the lord of the
celestials, alone on the battle-field. And he said in hurry (unto
Bhishma), 'How hath this one escape from thee? Do you afflict him in
such a way that he may not escape.' And at this, Santanu's son, smiling,
said unto him, 'Where had been this sense of thine, and where had been
thy prowess too, when you had been in a state of unconsciousness
renouncing your arrows and handsome bow? Vibhatsu is not addicted to the
commission of atrocious deeds; nor is his soul inclined to sin. He
renounceth not his principles even for the sake of the three worlds. It
is for this only that all of us have not been slain in this battle. O
thou foremost of Kuru heroes, go back to the city of the Kurus, and let
Partha also go away, having conquered the kine. Do you never foolishly
throw away your own good. Indeed, that which leadeth to one's welfare
ought to be accomplished.'
"Vaisampayana continued, 'Having listened to the words of the grandsire
that tended to his own welfare, the wrathful king Duryodhana no longer
eager for battle, drew a deep sigh and became silent. And reflecting that
the advice of Bhishma was beneficial and seeing that the Pandavas gaining
in strength, the other warriors also, desirous of protecting Duryodhana,
resolved to return. And beholding those foremost of Kuru heroes departing
for their city, Dhananjaya, the son of Pritha, with a cheerful heart
followed them for a while, desirous of addressing and worshipping them.
And having worshipped the aged grandsire--the son of Santanu, as also the
preceptor Drona, and having saluted with beautiful arrows Drona's son and
Kripa and other venerable ones among the Kurus, the son of Pritha broke
into fragments Duryodhana's crown decked with precious gems, with another
arrow. And having saluted all the venerable and brave warriors thus, he
filled the three worlds with the twang of the Gandiva. And suddenly
blowing his conch called Devadatta, the hero pierced the hearts of all
his foes. And having humbled the hostile, he looked resplendent on his
car decked with a handsome flag. And beholding the Kurus depart, Kiritin
cheerfully said unto Matsya's son, 'Turn back your steeds; your kine have
been recovered; the foe is going away and do you also return to your city
with a cheerful heart.' And the celestials also, having witnessed that
most wonderful encounter between Falguna and the Kurus, were highly
delighted, and went to their respective abodes, reflecting upon Partha's
--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 65 ---------------------