"Vaisampayana said, 'Beholding that bull among men seated on the car in
the habit of a person of the third sex, driving toward the Sami tree,
having taken (the flying) Uttara up, all the great car-warriors of the
Kurus with Bhishma and Drona at their head, became affrighted at heart,
suspecting the comer to be Dhananjaya. And seeing them so dispirited and
marking also the many wonderful portents, that foremost of all wielders
of arms, the preceptor Drona, son of Bharadwaja, said, 'Violent and hot
are the winds that below, showering gravels in profusion. The sky also is
overcast with a gloom of ashy hue. The clouds present the strange sight
of being dry and waterless. Our weapons also of various kinds are coming
out of their cases. The jackals are yelling hideously affrighted at the
conflagrations on all sides.[41] The horses too are shedding tears, and
our banners are trembling though moved by none. Such being the
inauspicious indications seen, a great danger is at hand. Stay the with
vigilance, Protect the your own selves and array the troops in order of
battle. Stand ye, expecting a terrible slaughter, and guard the well the
kine. This mighty bowman, this foremost of all wielders of weapons, this
hero that hath come in the habit of a person of the third sex, is the son
of Pritha. There is no doubt of this.' Then addressing Bhishma, the
preceptor continued, 'O offspring of the Ganges, apparelled as a woman,
this is Kiriti called after a tree, the son of the enemy of the
mountains, and having on his banner the sign of devastator of the gardens
of Lanka's lord. Vanquishing us he will surely take away the kine today!
[42] This chastiser of foes is the valiant son of Pritha surnamed
Savyasachin. He doth not desist from conflict even with the gods and
demons combined. Put to great hardship in the forest he cometh in wrath.
Taught by even Indra himself, he is like unto Indra in battle. Therefore,
ye Kauravas, I do not see any hero who can withstand him. It is said that
the lord Mahadeva himself, disguised in the attire of a hunter, was
gratified by this son of Pritha in battle on the mountains of Himavat.'
Hearing these words, Karna said, 'You always censure us by speaking on
the virtues of Falguna, Arjuna, however, is not equal to even a full
sixteenth part of myself or Duryodhana!' And Duryodhana said, 'If this be
Partha, O Radheya, then my purpose hath already been fulfilled, for then,
O king, if traced out, the Pandavas shall have to wander for twelve years
again. Or, if this one be any other person in a eunuch's garb, I will
soon prostrate him on the earth with keen-edged arrows.'
"Vaisampayana continued, 'The son of Dhritarashtra, O chastiser of foes,
having said this, Bhishma and Drona and Kripa and Drona's son all
applauded his manliness!'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 39 ---------------------