'Vaisampayana said, 'Having issued forth from the city, the dauntless son
of Virata addressed his charioteer, saying, 'Proceed whither the Kurus
are. Defeating the assembled Kurus who have come hither from desire of
victory, and quickly rescuing my kine from them. I will return to the
capital.' At these words of the prince, the son of Pandu urged those
excellent steeds. And endued with the speed of the wind and decked with
necklaces of gold, those steeds, urged by that lion among men, seemed to
fly through the air. And they had not proceeded far when those smiters of
foes, Dhananjaya and the son of Matsya, sighted the army of the powerful
Kurus. And proceeding towards the cemetary, they came upon the Kurus and
beheld their army arrayed in order of battle.[40] And that large army of
theirs looked like the vast sea or a forest of innumerable trees moving
through the sky. And then was seen, O best among the Kurus, the dust
raised by that moving army which reached the sky and obstructed the sight
of all creatures. And beholding that mighty host abounding in elephants,
horses and chariots, and protected by Karna and Duryodhana and Kripa and
Santanu's son, and that intelligent and great bowman Drona, with his son
(Aswatthaman), the son of Virata, agitated with fear and the bristles on
his body standing on their ends, thus spake unto Partha, 'I dare not
fight with the Kurus. See, the bristles on my body have stood on their
ends. I am incapable of battling with this countless host of the Kurus,
abounding in the heroic warriors, that are extremely fierce and difficult
of being vanquished even by the celestials. I do not venture to penetrate
into the army of the Bharatas consisting of terrible bowmen and abounding
in horses and elephants and cars and footsoldiers and banners. My mind is
too much perturbed by the very sight of the foe on the field of battle on
which stand Drona and Bhishma, and Kripa, and Karna, and Vivingsati, and
Aswatthaman and Vikarna, and Saumadatti, and Vahlika, and the heroic king
Duryodhana also--that foremost of car-warriors, and many other splendid
bowmen, all skilled in battle. My hairs have stood on their ends, and I
am fainting with fear at the very sight of these smiters, the Kurus
arrayed in order of battle.'
"Vaisampayana continued, 'And the low-minded and foolish Uttara out of
folly alone, began to bewail (his fate) in the presence of the
high-spirited (Arjuna) disguised (as his charioteer) in these words, 'My
father hath gone out to meet the Trigartas taking with him his whole
army, leaving me in the empty city. There are no troops to assist me.
Alone and a mere boy who has not undergone much exercise in arms, I am
unable to encounter these innumerable warriors and all skilled in
weapons. Do thou, therefore, O Vrihannala, cease to advance!'
"Vrihannala said, 'Why dost you look so pale through fear and enhance
the joy of your foes? As yet you hast done nothing on the field of battle
with the enemy. It was you that had ordered me, saying, Take me
towards the Kauravas. I will, therefore, take thee, thither where those
innumerable flags are. I will certainly take thee, O mighty-armed one,
into the midst of the hostile Kurus, prepared to fight as they are for
the kine like hawks for meat. I would do this, even if I regarded them to
have come hither for battling for a much higher stake such as the
sovereignty of the earth. Having, at the time of setting out, talked
before both men and women so highly of your manliness, why wouldst thou
desist from the fight? If you shouldst return home without recapturing
the kine, brave men and even women, when they meet together, will laugh
at you (in derision). As regards myself, I cannot return to the city
without having rescued the kine, applauded as I have been so highly by
the Sairindhri in respect of my skill in driving cars. It is for those
praises by the Sairindhri and for those words of yours also (that I have
come). Why should I not, therefore, give battle to the Kurus? (As regards
thyself), be you still.'
"Uttara said, 'Let the Kurus rob the Matsyas off all their wealth. Let
men and women, O Vrihannala, laugh at me. Let my kine perish, let the
city be a desert. Let me stand exposed before my father. Still there is
no need of battle.'
"Vaisampayana continued, 'Saying this, that much affrighted prince decked
in ear-ring jumped down from his car, and throwing down his bow and
arrows began to flee, sacrificing honour and pride. Vrihannala, however,
exclaimed, 'This is not the practice of the brave, this flight of a
Kshatriya from the field of battle. Even death in battle is better than
flight from fear.' Having said this, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, coming
down from that excellent car ran after that prince thus running away, his
own long braid and pure red garments fluttering in the air. And some
soldiers, not knowing that it was Arjuna who was thus running with his
braid fluttering in the air, burst out into laughter at the sight. And
beholding him thus running, the Kurus began to argue, 'Who is this
person, thus disguised like fire concealed in ashes? He is partly a man
and partly a woman. Although bearing a neuter form, he yet resembleth
Arjuna. His are the same head and neck, and his the same arms like unto a
couple of maces. And this one's gait also is like unto his. He can be
none else than Dhananjaya. As Indra is among the celestials, so
Dhananjaya is among men. Who else in this world than Dhananjaya, would
alone come against us? Virata left a single son of his in the empty city.
He hath come out from childishness and not from true heroism. It is
Uttara who must have come out of the city, having, without doubt, made as
a charioteer Arjuna, the son of Pritha, now living in disguise. It seems
that he is now flying away in panic at sight of our army. And without
doubt Dhananjaya runneth after him to bring him back.'
"Vaisampayana continued, 'Beholding the disguised son of Pandu, the
Kauravas, O Bharata, began to indulge in these surmises, but they could
not come to any definite conclusion. Meanwhile, Dhananjaya, hastily
pursuing the retreating Uttara, seized him by the hair within a hundred
steps. And seized by Arjuna, the son of Virata began to lament most
woefully like one in great affliction, and said, 'Listen, O good
Vrihannala, O you of handsome waist. Turn you quickly the course of the
car. He that liveth meeteth with prosperity. I will give you a hundred
coins of pure gold and eight lapis lazuli of great brightness set with
gold, and one chariot furnished with a golden flag-staff and drawn by
excellent steeds, and also ten elephants of infuriate prowess. Do thou, O
Vrihannala, set me free.'
"Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus addressed, that tiger among men laughingly
dragged Uttara who was almost deprived of his senses and who was uttering
these words of lamentation towards the car. And the son of Pritha then
addressed the affrighted prince who had nearly lost his senses, saying,
'If, O chastiser of foes, you dost not venture to fight with enemy, come
thou and hold the reins of the steeds as I fight with the foe. Protected
by the might of my arms, penetrate you yon formidable and invincible
array of cars guarded by heroic and mighty warriors. Fear not, O
chastiser of foes, you are a Kshatriya and the foremost of royal
princess. Why dost thou, O tiger among men, succumb in the midst of the
foe? I shall surely fight with the Kurus and recover the kine,
penetrating into this formidable and inaccessible array of cars. Be thou
my charioteer, O best of men, I will fight with the Kurus.' Thus speaking
unto Uttara, the son of Virata, Vibhatsu, heretofore unconquered in
battle, for a while comforted him. And then the son of Pritha, that
foremost of smiters, raised on the car that fainting and reluctant prince
stricken with fear!'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 38 ---------------------