"Vaisampayana said, 'Making Uttara his charioteer, and circumambulating
the Sami tree, the son of Pandu set out taking all his weapons with him.
And that mighty car-warrior set out with Uttara as the driver of his car,
having taken down that banner with the lion's figure and deposited it at
the foot of the Sami tree. And he hoisted on that car his own golden
banner bearing the figure of an ape with a lion's tail, which was a
celestial illusion contrived by Viswakarman himself. For, as soon,
indeed, as he had thought of that gift of Agni, than the latter, knowing
his wish, ordered those superhuman creatures (that usually sat there) to
take their place in that banner. And furnished with a beautiful flag of
handsome make, with quivers attached to it, and adored with gold, that
excellent flag-staff of celestial beauty than quickly fell from the
firmament on his car. [52] And beholding that banner arrived on his car,
the hero circumambulated it (respectively). And then the ape-bannered
Vibhatsu, the son of Kunti, called also Swetavahana, with fingers cased
in leathern fences of the Iguana skin, and taking up his bow and arrows
set out in a northernly direction. And that grinder of foes, possessed of
great strength, then forcibly blew his large conch-shell, of thundering
sound, capable of making the bristles of foes to stand on their ends. And
at the sound of that conch, those steeds endued with swiftness dropped
down on the ground on their knees. And Uttara also, greatly affrighted,
sat down on the car. And thereupon the son of Kunti took the reins
himself and raising the steeds, placed them in their proper positions.
And embracing Uttara, he encouraged him also, saying, 'Fear not, O
foremost of princes, you art, O chastiser of foes, a Kshatriya by birth.
Why, O tiger among men, dost you become so dispirited in the midst of
foes? Thou must have heard before the blare of many conchs and the note
of many trumpets, and the roar also of many elephants in the midst of
ranks arrayed for battled. Why are thou, therefore, so dispirited and
agitated and terrified by the blare of this conch, as if you wert an
ordinary person?'
"Uttara said, 'Heard have I the blare of many a conch and many a trumpet
and the roar of many an elephant stationed in the battle-array, but never
have I heard before the blare of such conch. Nor have I ever seen a
banner like this. Never before have I heard also the twang of a bow such
as this. Truly, sir, with the blare of this conch, the twang of this bow,
the superhuman cries of the creatures stationed on this banner, and the
battle of this car, my mind is greatly bewildered. My perception of the
directions also is confused, and my heart is painfully afflicted. The
whole firmament seemeth to me to have been covered by this banner, and
everything seemeth to be hidden from my view! My ears also have been
deafened by the twang of the Gandiva![53]
"Arjuna said, 'Firmly stand you on the car, pressing your feet on it, and
tightly catch hold of the bridles, for I will blow the conch again.'
"Vaisampayana said, 'Arjuna then blew his conch again, that conch which
filled foes with grief and enhanced the joy of friends. And the sound was
so loud that it seemed to split hills and mountains, and pierce
mountain-caves and the cardinal points. And Uttara once again sat down on
the car, clinging to it in fear. And with the blare of the conch and the
rattle of the car-wheels, and the twang of the Gandiva, the earth itself
seemed to tremble. And beholding Uttara's fight, Dhananjaya began to
comfort him again.'
"Meanwhile, Drona said, 'From the rattle of the car, and from the manner
in which the clouds have enveloped the sky and the earth itself trembles,
this warrior can be none else than Savyasachin. Our weapons do not shine,
our steeds are dispirited, and our fires, though fed with fuel, do not
blare up. All this is ominous. All our animals are setting up a frightful
howl, gazing towards the sun. The crows are perching on our banners. All
this is ominous. Yon vultures and kites on our right portend a great
danger. That jackal also, running through our ranks, waileth dismally.
Lo, it hath escaped unstruck. All this portends a heavy calamity. The
bristles also of the all are on their ends. Surely, this forebodes a great
destruction of Kshatriyas in battle. Things endued with light are all
pale; beasts and birds look fierce; and there are to be witnessed many
terrific portents indicative of the destruction of Kshatriyas. And these
omens forebode great havoc among ourselves. O king, your ranks seem to be
confounded by these blazing meteors, and your animals look dispirited and
seem to be weeping. Vultures and kites are wheeling all around thy
troops. Thou shalt have to repent upon beholding your army afflicted by
Partha's arrows. Indeed, our ranks seem to have been already vanquished,
for none is eager to go to fight. All our warriors are of pale face, and
almost deprived of their senses. Sending the kine ahead we should stand
here, ready to strike, with all our warriors arrayed in order of battle."
--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 46 ---------------------