Friday, August 8, 2014

Parva 04 062


"Vaisampayana said, 'Then, O you of the Bharata race, all the great
car-warriors of the Kurus, united together, began to assail Arjuna to the
best of their might from all sides. But that hero of immeasurable soul
completely covered all those mighty car-warriors with clouds of arrows,
even as the mist covereth the mountains. And the roars of huge elephants
and conchs, mingling together, produced a loud up roar. And penetrating
through the bodies of elephants and horses as also through steel coats of
mail, the arrows shot by Partha fell by thousands. And shooting shafts
with the utmost celerity, the son of Pandu seemed in that contest to
resemble the blazing sun of an autumnal midday. And afflicted with fear,
the car-warriors began to leap down from their cars and the
horse-soldiers from horse-back, while the foot-soldiers began to fly in
all directions. And loud was the clatter made by Arjuna's shafts as they
cleft the coats of mail belonging to mighty warriors, made of steel,
silver, and copper. And the field was soon covered with the corpses of
warriors mounted on elephants and horses, all mangled by the shafts of
Partha of great impetuosity like unto sighing snakes. And then it seemed
as if Dhananjaya, bow in hand, was dancing on the field of battle. And
sorely affrighted at the twang of the Gandiva resembling the noise of the
thunder, many were the combatants that fled from that terrible conflict.
And the field of battle was bestrewn with severed heads decked with
turbans, ear-rings and necklaces of gold, and the earth looked beautiful
by being scattered all over with human trunks mangled by shafts, and arms
having bows in their grasp and hands decked with ornaments. And, O bull
of the Bharata race, in consequence of heads cut off by whetted shafts
ceaselessly falling on the ground, it seemed as if a shower of stones
fell from the sky. And that Partha of formidable prowess, displaying his
fierceness, now ranged the field of battle, pouring the terrible fire of
his wrath upon the sons of Dhritarashtra. And beholding the fierce
prowess of Arjuna who thus scorched the hostile host, the Kuru warriors,
in the very presence of Duryodhana, became dispirited and ceased to
fight. And, O Bharata, having struck terror into that host and routed
those mighty car-warriors, that fore-most of victors, ranged on the
field. And the son of Pandu then created on the field of battle a
dreadful river of blood, with waving billows, like unto the river of
death that is created by Time at the end of the Yuga, having the
dishevelled hair of the dead and the dying for its floating moss and
straw, with bows and arrows for its boats, fierce in the extreme and
having flesh and animal juices for its mire. And coats of mail and
turbans floated thick on its surface. And elephants constituted its
alligators and the cars its rafts. And marrow and fat and blood
constituted its currents. And it was calculated to strike terror into the
hearts of the spectators. And dreadful to behold, and fearful in the
extreme, and resounding with the yells of ferocious beasts, keen edged
weapons constituted its crocodiles. And Rakshasas and other cannibals
haunted it from one end to the other. And strings of pearls constituted
its ripples, and various excellent ornaments, its bubbles. And having
swarms of arrows for its fierce eddies and steeds for its tortoises, it
was incapable of being crossed. And the mighty car warrior constituted
its large island, and it resounded with the bleat of conchs and the sound
of drums. And the river of blood that Partha created was incapable of
being crossed. Indeed, so swift-handed was Arjuna that the spectators
could not perceive any interval between his taking up an arrow, and
fixing it on the bow-string, and letting it off by a stretch of the

--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 62 ---------------------