Friday, August 8, 2014

Parva 04 070


"Vaisampayana said, 'Then, on the third day, attired in white robes after
a bath, and decked in ornaments of all kinds, those great car-warriors,
the five Pandava brothers, having accomplished their row, and with
Yudhishthira at their head, looked resplendent as they entered the
palace-gate like five intoxicated elephants. And having entered the
council-hall of Virata, they took their seats on the thrones reserved for
kings, and shone brilliantly like fires on the sacrificial altar. And
after Pandavas had taken their seats, Virata, that lord of earth, came
there for holding his council and discharging other royal offices. And
beholding the illustrious Pandavas blazing like fires, the king reflected
for a moment. And them, filled with wrath, the Matsya king spoke unto
Kanka seated there like a celestial and looking like the lord of
celestials surrounded by the Maruts. And he said, 'A player at dice thou
wert employed by me as a courtier! How couldst you occupy the royal seat
thus attired in handsome robes and ornaments?"

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Hearing these words of Virata, O king, and
desirous of jesting with him, Arjuna smilingly said in reply, 'This
person, O king, deserveth to occupy the same seat with Indra himself.
Devoted to the Brahmanas, acquainted with the Vedas, indifferent to
luxury and carnal enjoyments, habitually performing sacrifices, steady in
vows, this one, indeed, is the very embodiment of virtue, The foremost of
all Persons endued with energy and superior to every body on earth in
intelligence, devoted to asceticism, he is conversant with various
weapons. No other person among the mobile and immobile creatures of the
three worlds possesseth or will ever possess such knowledge of weapons.
And there is none even amongst the gods, or Asuras, or men, or Rakshasas,
or Gandharvas, or Yaksha chiefs, or Kinnaras--or mighty Uragas, who is
like him. Endued with great foresight and energy, beloved by the citizens
and inhabitants of the provinces, he is the mightiest of car-warriors
amongst the sons of Pandu. A performer of sacrifices, devoted to
morality, and of subdued passions, like unto a great Rishi, this royal
sage is celebrated over all the worlds. Possessed of great strength and
great intelligence, able and truthful, he hath all his senses under
complete control. Equal unto Indra in wealth and Kuvera in hoarding, he
is the protector of the worlds like unto Manu himself of mighty prowess.
Endued with great might, he is even such. Kind unto all creatures he is
no other than the bull of the Kuru race, king Yudhishthira the just. The
achievements of this king resemble the sun himself of blazing effulgence.
And his fame hath travelled in all directions like the rays of that
luminary. And like the rays following the risen sun of blazing
effulgence, ten thousand swift elephants followed him, O king, when he
dwelt among the Kurus. And, O king, thirty thousand cars decked in gold
and drawn by the best steeds, also used to follow him then. And full
eight hundred bards adorned with ear-rings set with shining gems, and
accompanied by minstrels, recited his praises in those days, like the
Rishis adorning Indra. And, O king, the Kauravas and other lords of earth
always waited upon him like slaves, as the celestials upon Kuvera. This
eminent king, resembling the bright-rayed sun, made all lords of earth
pay tribute unto him like persons of the agricultural class. And
eighty-eight thousands of high-souled Snatakas depended for their
subsistence upon this king practising excellent vows. This illustrious
lord protected the aged and the helpless, the maimed and the blind, as
his sons, and he ruled over his subjects virtuously. Steady in morality
and self-control, capable of restraining his anger, bountiful, devoted to
the Brahmanas, and truthful, this one is the son of Pandu. The prosperity
and prowess of this one afflict king Suyodhana with his followers
including Kama and Suvala's son. And, O lord of men, the virtues of this
one are incapable of being enumerated. This son of Pandu is devoted to
morality and always abstains from injury. Possessed of such attributes,
doth not this bull among kings, this son of Pandu, deserve, O monarch, to
occupy a royal seat?'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 70 ---------------------