Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Parva 04 023


"Vaisampayana said, 'Then all the relatives of Kichaka, arriving at that
place, beheld him there and began to wail aloud, surrounding him on all
sides. And beholding Kichaka with every limb mangled, and lying like a
tortoise dragged to dry ground from the water, all of them were overcome
with exceeding fright, and the bristles of their bodies stood on end. And
seeing him crushed all over by Bhima, like a Danava by Indra, they
proceeded to take him outside, for performing his funeral obsequies. And
then those persons of the Suta clan thus assembled together espied
Krishna of faultless limbs hard by, who stood reclining on a pillar. And
all the Kichakas assembled there, exclaimed, 'Let this unchaste woman be
slain for whom Kichaka hath himself lost his life. Or, without slaying
her here, let us cremate her with him that had lusted after her,--for it
behoveth us to accomplish in every way what is agreeable to that deceased
son of Suta.' And then they addressed Virata, saying, 'It is for her sake
that Kichaka hath lost his life. Let him, therefore, be cremated along
with her. It behoveth you to grant this permission.' Thus addressed by
them, king Virata, O monarch, knowing fully well the prowess of the Suta
gave his assent to Sairindhri being burnt along with the Suta's son. And
at this, the Kichakas approaching the frightened and stupefied Krishna of
lotus-like eyes, seized her with violence. And binding that damsel of
slender-waist and placing her upon the bier, they set out with great
energy towards the cemetary. And, O king, while thus forcibly carried
towards the cemetary by those sons of the Suta tribe, the blameless and
chaste Krishna living under the protections of her lords, then wailed
aloud for the help of her husbands, saying, 'Oh, let Jaya, and Jayanta,
and Vijaya and Jayatsena, and Jayadvala listen to my words. The Sutas are
taking me away. Let those illustrious Gandharvas endued with speed of
hand, the clatter of whose cars is loud and the twang of whose bowstrings
in the midst of the mighty conflict are heard like the roar of thunder,
listen to my words,--the Sutas are taking me away!'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Hearing those sorrowful words and lamentations
of Krishna, Bhima, without a moment's reflection started up from his bed
and said, 'I have heard, O Sairindhri the words you hast spoken. Thou
hast, therefore, O timid lady, no more fear at the hands of the Sutas.

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Having said this, the mighty-armed Bhima
desirous of slaying the Kichakas, began to swell his body. And carefully
changing his attire, he went out of the palace by a wrong egress. And
climbing over a wall by the aid of a tree, he proceeded towards the
cemetary whither the Kichakas had gone. And having leapt over the wall,
and gone out of the excellent city, Bhima impetuously rushed to where the
Sutas were. And, O monarch, proceeding towards the funeral pyre he beheld
a large tree, tall as palmyra-palm, with gigantic shoulders and withered
top. And that slayer of foes grasping with his arms that tree measuring
ten Vyamas, uprooted it, even like an elephant, and placed it upon his
shoulders. And taking up that tree with trunk and branches and measuring
ten Vyamas, that mighty hero rushed towards the Sutas, like Yama himself,
mace in hand. And by the impetus of his rush[18] banians and peepals and
Kinsukas falling down on the earth lay in clusters. And beholding that
Gandharva approach them like a lion in fury, all the Sutas trembling with
fear and greatly distressed, became panic-struck. And they addressed each
other, saying, 'Lo, the powerful Gandharva cometh hither, filled with
rage, and with an upraised tree in hand. Let Sairindhri, therefore, from
whom this danger of ours hath arisen, be set free.' And beholding the
tree that had been uprooted by Bhimasena, they set Draupadi free and ran
breathlessly towards the city And seeing them run away, Bhima, that
mighty son of the Wind-god, despatched, O foremost of kings, by means of
that tree, a hundred and five of them unto the abode of Yama, like the
wielder of the thunderbolt slaying the Danavas. And setting Draupadi free
from her bonds, he then, O king, comforted her. And that mighty-armed and
irrepressible Vrikodara, the son of Pandu, then addressed the distressed
princess of Panchala with face bathed in tears, saying, 'Thus, O timid
one, are they slain that wrong you without cause. Return, O Krishna, to
the city. Thou hast no longer any fear; I myself will go to the Virata's
kitchen by another route.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'It was thus, O Bharata, that a hundred and five
of those Kichakas were slain. And their corpses lay on the ground, making
the place look like a great forest overspread with uprooted trees after a
hurricane. Thus fell those hundred and five Kichakas. And including
Virata's general slain before, the slaughtered Sutas numbered one hundred
and six. And beholding that exceedingly wonderful feat, men and women
that assembled together, were filled with astonishment. And the power of
speech, O Bharata, was suspended in every one.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 23 ---------------------