Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Parva 04 025


"Vaisampayana said, 'At the slaughter of Kichaka and brothers, people, O
king, thinking of this terrible feat, were filled with surprise. And in
the city and the provinces it was generally bruited about that for
bravery the king's Vallava and Kichaka were both mighty warriors. The
wicked Kichaka, however, had been an oppressor of men and a dishonourer
of other people's wives. And it was for this that wicked of sinful soul
had been slain by the Gandharvas. And it was thus, O king, that people
began to speak, from province to province of the invincible Kichaka, that
slayer of hostile ranks.

'Meanwhile, the spies employed by Dhritarashtra's son, having searched
various villages and towns and kingdoms and done all that they had been
commanded to do and completed their examination, in the manner directed,
of the countries indicated in their orders, returned to Nagarupa,
gratified with at least one thing that they had learnt.[20] And seeing
Dhritarashtra's son king Duryodhana of the Kuru race seated in his court
with Drona and Karna and Kripa, with the high-souled Bhishma, his own
brothers, and those great warriors--the Trigartas, they addressed him,
saying, 'O lord of men, great hath been the care always bestowed by us in
the search after the sons of Pandu in that mighty forest. Searched have
we through the solitary wilderness abounding with deer and other animals
and overgrown with trees and creepers of diverse kind. Searched have we
also in arbours of matted woods and plants and creepers of every species,
but we have failed in discovering that track by which Pritha's son of
irrepressible energy may have gone. Searched have we in these and other
places for their foot-prints. Searched have we closely, O king, on
mountain tops and in inaccessible fastnesses, in various kingdoms and
provinces teeming with people, in encampments and cities. No trace have
yet been found of the sons of Pandu. Good betide thee, O bull among men,
it seems that they have perished without leaving a mark behind. O
foremost of warriors, although we followed in the track of those
warriors, yet, O best of men, we soon lost their footprints and do not
know their present residence. O lord of men, for some time we followed in
the wake of their charioteers. And making our inquiries duly, we truly
ascertained what we desired to know. O slayer of foes, the charioteers
reached Dwaravati without the sons of Pritha among them. O king, neither
the sons of Pandu, nor the chaste Krishna, are in that city of Yadavas. O
bull of the Bharata race, we have not been able to discover either their
track or their present abode. Salutations to thee, they are gone for
good. We are acquainted with the disposition of the sons of Pandu and
know something of the feats achieved by them. It behoveth thee,
therefore, O lord of men, to give us instructions, O monarch, as to what
we should next do in the search after the sons of Pandu. O hero, listen
also to these agreeable words of ours, promising great good to thee. King
Matsya's commander, Kichaka of wicked soul, by whom the Trigartas, O
monarch, were repeatedly vanquished and slain with mighty force, now
lieth low on the ground with all his brothers, slain, O monarch, by
invisible Gandharvas during the hours of darkness, O you of unfading
glory. Having heard this delightful news about the discomfiture of our
enemies, we have been exceedingly gratified, O Kauravya. Do you now
ordain what should next be done.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 25 ---------------------