Vaisampayana said,--"defeated at dice, after the Pandavas had gone to the
woods, Dhritarashtra, O king, was overcome with anxiety. And while he was
seated restless with anxiety and sighing in grief, Sanjaya approaching
him said, 'O lord of the earth having now obtained the whole earth with
all its wealth and sent away the sons of Pandu into exile, why is it, O
king, that you grievest so?"
Dhritarashtra said,--'What have they not to grieve for who will have to
encounter in battle those bulls among warriors--the sons of
Pandu--fighting on great cars and aided by allies?'
"Sanjaya said,--"O king, all this great hostility is inevitable on
account of your mistaken action, and this will assuredly bring about the
wholesale destruction of the whole world. Forbidden by Bhishma, by Drona,
and by Vidura, your wicked-minded and shameless son Duryodhana sent his
Suta messenger commanding him to bring into court the beloved and
virtuous wife of the Pandavas. The gods first deprive that man of his
reason unto whom they send defeat and disgrace. It is for this that such
a person seeth things in a strange light. When destruction is at hand,
evil appeareth as good unto the understanding polluted by sin, and the
man adhereth to it firmly. That which is improper appeareth as proper,
and that which is proper appeareth as improper unto the man about to be
overwhelmed by destruction, and evil and impropriety are what he liketh.
The time that bringeth on destruction doth not come with upraised club
and smash one's head. On the other hand the peculiarity of such a time is
that it maketh a man behold evil in good and good in evil. The wretches
have brought on themselves this terrible, wholesale, and horrible
destruction by dragging the helpless princess of Panchala into the court.
Who else than Duryodhana--that false player of dice could bring into the
assembly, with insults, the daughter of Drupada, endued with beauty and
intelligence, and conversant with every rule of morality and duty, and
sprung not from any woman's womb but from the sacred fire? The handsome
Krishna, then in her season, attired in one piece of stained cloth when
brought into the court cast her eyes upon the Pandavas. She beheld them,
however, robbed of their wealth, of their kingdom, of even their attire,
of their beauty, of every enjoyment, and plunged into a state of bondage.
Bound by the tie of virtue, they were then unable to exert their prowess.
And before all the assembled kings Duryodhana and Karna spake cruel and
harsh words unto the distressed and enraged Krishna undeserving of such
treatment. O monarch, all this appeareth to me as foreboding fearful
Dhritarashtra said,--'O Sanjaya, the glances of the distressed daughter
of Drupada might consume the whole earth. Can it be possible that even a
single son of mine will live? The wives of the Bharatas, uniting with
Gandhari upon beholding virtuous Krishna, the wedded wife of the
Pandavas, endued with beauty and youth, dragged into the court, set up
frightful wail. Even now, along with all my subjects, they weep every
day. Enraged at the ill treatment of Draupadi, the Brahmanas in a body
did not perform that evening their Agnihotra ceremony. The winds blew
mightily as they did at the time of the universal dissolution. There was
a terrible thunder-storm also. Meteors fell from the sky, and Rahu by
swallowing the Sun unseasonably alarmed the people terribly. Our
war-chariots were suddenly ablaze, and all their flagstaffs fell down
foreboding evil unto the Bharatas. Jackals began to cry frightfully from
within the sacred fire-chamber of Duryodhana, and asses from all
directions began to bray in response. Then Bhishma and Drona, and Kripa,
and Somadatta and the high-souled Vahlika, all left the assembly. It was
then that at the advice of Vidura I addressed Krishna and said, 'I will
grant you boons, O Krishna, indeed, whatever you wouldst ask? The
princess of the Panchala there begged of me the liberation of the
Pandavas. Out of my own motion I then set free the Pandavas, commanding
them to return (to their capital) on their cars and with their bows and
arrows. It was then that Vidura told me, 'Even this will prove the
destruction of the Bharata race, viz., this dragging of Krishna into the
court. This daughter of the King of Panchala is the faultless Sree
herself. Of celestial origin, she is the wedded wife of the Pandavas. The
wrathful sons of Pandu will never forgive this insult offered unto her.
Nor will the mighty bowmen of the Vrishni race, nor the mighty warriors
amongst the Panchalas suffer this in silence. Supported by Vasudeva of
unbaffled prowess, Arjuna will assuredly come back, surrounded by the
Panchala host. And that mighty warrior amongst them, Bhimasena endued
with surpassing strength, will also come back, whirling his mace like
Yama himself with his club. These kings will scarcely be able to bear the
force of Bhima's mace. Therefore, O king, not hostility but peace for
ever with the sons of Pandu is what seemeth to me to be the best. The
sons of Pandu are always stronger than the Kurus. Thou knowest, O king,
that the illustrious and mighty king Jarasandha was slain in battle by
Bhima with his bare arms alone. Therefore, O bull of the Bharata race, it
behoveth you to make peace with the sons of Pandu. Without scruples of
any kind, unite the two parties, O king. And it you actest in this way,
thou are sure to obtain good luck, O king. It was thus, O son of
Gavalgani, that Vidura addressed me in words of both virtue and profit.
And I did not accept this counsel, moved by affection for my son."
The End of Sabha Parva
1. A word of benediction, similar to 'Amen.'