Sunday, June 1, 2014

Parva 02 002


"Vaisampayana said,--"Janardana deserving the worship of all, having
lived happily at Khandavaprastha for some time, and having been treated
all the while with respectful love and affection by the sons of Pritha,
became desirous one day of leaving Khandavaprastha to behold his father.
That possessor of large eyes, unto whom was due the obeisance of the
universe, then saluted both Yudhishthira and Pritha and made obeisance
with his head unto the feet of Kunti, his father's sister. Thus revered
by Kesava, Pritha smelt his head and embraced him. The illustrious
Hrishikesa approached his own sister Subhadra affectionately, with his
eyes filled with tears, and spoke unto her words of excellent import and
truth, terse proper, unanswerable and fraught with good. The
sweet-speeched Subhadra also, saluting him in return and worshipping him
repeatedly with bent head, told him all that she wished to be conveyed to
her relatives on the paternal side. And bidding her farewell and uttering
benedictions on his handsome sister, he of the Vrishni race, next saw
Draupadi and Dhaumya. That best of men duly made obeisance unto Dhaumya,
and consoling Draupadi obtained leave from her. Then the learned and
mighty Krishna, accompanied by Partha, went to his cousins. And
surrounded by the five brothers, Krishna shone like Sakra in the midst of
the celestials. He whose banner bore the figure of Garuda, desirous of
performing the rites preparatory to the commencement of a journey,
purified himself by a bath and adorned his person with ornaments. The
bull of the Yadu race then worshipped the gods and Brahmanas with floral
wreaths, mantras, bows of the head, and excellent perfumes. Having
finished all these rites, that foremost of steady and virtuous persons
then thought of setting out. The chief of the Yadu race then came out of
the inner to the outer apartment, and issuing thence he made unto
Brahmanas, deserving of worship, offerings of vessel-fulls of curd and
fruits, and parched-grain and caused them to pronounce benedictions upon
him. And making unto them presents also of wealth, he went round them.
Then ascending his excellent car of gold endued with great speed and
adorned with banner bearing the figure of Tarkhya (Garuda) and furnished
also with mace, discus, sword, his bow Sharnga and other weapons, and
yoking thereunto his horses Saivya and Sugriva, he of eyes like lotuses
set out at an excellent moment of a lunar day of auspicious stellar
conjunction. And Yudhishthira, the king of the Kurus, from affection,
ascended the chariot after Krishna, and causing that best charioteer
Daruka to stand aside, himself took the reins. And Arjuna also, of long
arms, riding on that car, walked round Krishna and fanned him with a
white chamara furnished with a handle of gold. And the mighty Bhimasena
accompanied by the twin brothers Nakula and Sahadeva and the priests and
citizens all followed Krishna from behind. And Kesava, that slayer of
hostile heroes, followed by all the brothers, shone like a preceptor
followed by his favourite pupils. Then Govinda spoke unto Arjuna and
clasped him firmly, and worshipping Yudhisthira and Bhima, embraced the
twins. And embraced in return by the three elder Pandavas, he was
reverentially saluted by the twins. After having gone about half a Yojana
(two miles), Krishna, that subjugator of hostile towns, respectfully
addressed Yudhishthira and requested him, O Bharata, to stop following
him further. And Govinda, conversant with every duty, then reverentially
saluted Yudhishthira and took hold of his feet. But Yudhishthira soon
raised Kesava and smelt his head. King Yudhishthira the just, the son of
Pandu, having raised Krishna endued with eyes like lotus-petals and the
foremost of the Yadava race, gave him leave, saying,--'Good bye!' Then
the slayer of Madhu, making an appointment with them (about his return)
in words that were proper, and preventing with difficulty the Pandavas
from following him further on foot, gladly proceeded towards his own
city, like Indra going towards Amravati. Out of the love and affection
they bore him, the Pandavas gazed on Krishna as long as he was within
sight, and their minds also followed him when he got out of sight. And
Kesava of agreeable person soon disappeared from their sight, unsatiated
though their minds were with looking at him. Those bulls among men, the
sons of Pritha, with minds fixed on Govinda, desisted (from following him
further) and unwillingly returned to their own city in haste. And Krishna
in his car soon reached Dwaraka followed by that hero Satyaki. Then
Sauri, the son of Devaki, accompanied by his charioteer Daruka reached
Dwaraka with the speed of Garuda."

Vaisampayana continued,--"Meanwhile king Yudhishthira of unfading glory,
accompanied by his brothers and surrounded by friends, entered his
excellent capital. And that tiger among men, dismissing all his
relatives, brothers, and sons, sought to make himself happy in the
company of Draupadi. And Kesava also, worshipped by the principal Yadavas
including Ugrasena, entered with a happy heart his own excellent city.
And worshipping his old father and his illustrious mother, and saluting
(his brother) Valadeva, he of eyes like lotus-petals took his seat.
Embracing Pradyumna, Shamva, Nishatha, Charudeshna, Gada, Aniruddha and
Bhanu, and obtaining the leave of all the elderly men, Janardana entered
the apartments of Rukmini."

--------------------END OF PARVA 2 : UPA-PARVA 2 ---------------------