Thursday, June 12, 2014

Parva 02 072


Janamejaya said,--"How did the sons of Dhritarashtra feel, when they came
to know that the Pandavas had, with Dhritarashtra's leave, left
Hastinapore with all their wealth and jewels?"

Vaisampayana said,--"O king, learning that the Pandavas had been
commanded by the wise Dhritarashtra to return to their capital, Dussasana
went without loss of time unto his brother. And, O bull of the Bharata
race, having arrived before Duryodhana with his counsellor, the prince,
afflicted with grief, began to say,--'Ye mighty warriors, that which we
had won after so much trouble, the old man (our father) hath thrown away.
Know the that he hath made over the whole of that wealth to the foes. At
these words, Duryodhana and Karna and Sakuni, the son of Suvala, all of
whom were guided by vanity, united together, and desirous of
counteracting the sons of Pandu, approaching in haste saw privately the
wise king Dhritarashtra--the son of Vichitravirya and spake unto him
these pleasing and artful words. Duryodhana said,--

'Hast you not heard, O king, what the learned Vrihaspati the preceptor
of the celestials, said in course of counselling Sakra about mortals and
politics? Even these, O slayer of foes, were the words of Vrihaspati,
'Those enemies that always do wrong by stratagem or force, should be
slain by every means.' If, therefore, with the wealth of the Pandavas, we
gratify the kings of the earth and then fight with the sons of Pandu,
what reverses can overtake us? When one hath placed on the neck and back
of venomous snakes full of wrath for encompassing his destruction, is it
possible for him to take them off? Equipped with weapon and seated on
their cars, the angry sons of Pandu like wrathful and venomous snakes
will assuredly annihilate us, O father. Even now Arjuna proceedeth,
encased in mail and furnished with his couple of quivers, frequently
taking up the Gandiva and breathing hard and casting angry glances
around. It hath (also) been heard by us that Vrikodara, hastily ordering
his car to be made ready and riding on it, is proceeding along,
frequently whirling his heavy mace. Nakula also is going along, with the
sword in his grasp and the semi-circular shield in his hand. And Sahadeva
and the king (Yudhishthira) have made signs clearly testifying to their
intentions. Having ascended their cars that are full of all kinds of
arms, they are whipping their horses (for going to Khandava soon) and
assembling their forces. Persecuted thus by us they are incapable of
forgiving us those injuries. Who is there among them that will forgive
that insult to Draupadi? Blest be thou. We will again gamble with the son
of Pandu for sending them to exile. O bull among men, we are competent to
bring them thus under our sway. Dressed in skins, either we or they
defeated at dice, shall repair to the woods for twelve years. The
thirteenth year shall have to be spent in some inhabited country
unrecognised; and, if recognised, an exile for another twelve years shall
be the consequence. Either we or they shall live so. Let the play begin,
casting the dice, let the sons of Pandu once more play. O bull of the
Bharata race, O king, even this is our highest duty. This Sakuni knoweth
well the whole science of dice. Even if they succeed in observing this
vow for thirteen years, we shall be in the meantime firmly rooted in the
kingdom and making alliances, assemble a vast invincible host and keep
them content, so that we shall, O king, defeat the sons of Pandu if they
reappear. Let this plan recommend itself to thee, O slayer of foes.

"Dhritarashtra said,--Bring back the Pandavas then, indeed, even if they
have gone a great way. Let them come at once again to cast dice."

Vaisampayana continued,--"Then Drona, Somadatta and Valhika, Gautama,
Vidura, the son of Drona, and the mighty son of Dhritarashtra by his
Vaisya wife, Bhurisravas, and Bhishma, and that mighty warrior
Vikarna,--all said, 'Let not the play commence. Let there be peace. But
Dhritarashtra, partial to his sons, disregarding the counsels of all his
wise friends and relatives, summoned the sons of Pandu."

--------------------END OF PARVA 2 : UPA-PARVA 72 ---------------------