Sunday, June 1, 2014

Parva 02 039


(Sisupala-badha Parva)

"Vaisampayana said,--Beholding that vast assembly of kings agitated with
wrath, even like the terrific sea agitated by the winds that blow at the
time of the universal dissolution, Yudhishthira addressing the aged
Bhishma, that chief of intelligent men and the grandsire of the Kurus,
even like Puruhita (Indra) that slayer of foes, of abundant energy
addressing Vrihaspati, said,--'This vast ocean of kings, hath been
agitated by wrath. Tell me, O Grandsire, what I should do in view of
this. O Grandsire, now what I should do that my sacrifice may not be
obstructed and my subjects may not be injured.'

"When king Yudhishthira the just, conversant with morality, said this,
Bhishma the grandsire of the Kurus, spoke these words in reply,--'Fear
not, O tiger of the Kurus. Can the dog slay the lion? I have before this
found out a way that is both beneficial and comfortable to practise. As
dogs in a pack approaching the lion that is asleep bark together, so are
all these lords of earth. Indeed, O child, like dogs before the lion,
these (monarchs) are barking in rage before the sleeping lion of the
Vrishni race. Achyuta now is like a lion that is asleep. Until he waketh
up, this chief of the Chedis--this lion among men--maketh these monarchs
look like lions. O child, O you foremost of all monarchs, this Sisupala
possessed of little intelligence is desirous of taking along with him all
these kings, through the agency of him who is the soul of the universe,
to the regions of Yama. Assuredly, O Bharata Vishnu hath been desirous of
taking back unto himself the energy that existeth in this Sisupala. O
Chief of all intelligent men, O son of Kunti, the intelligence of this
wicked-minded king of the Chedis, as also of all these monarchs, hath
become perverse. Indeed, the intelligence of all those whom this tiger
among men desireth to take unto himself, becometh perverse even like that
of this king of the Chedis. O Yudhishthira, Madhava is the progenitor as
also the destroyer of all created beings of the four species, (oviparous,
etc.,) existing in the three worlds.'"

"Vaisampayana continued--Then the ruler of Chedis, having heard these
words of Bhishma, addressed the latter, O Bharata, in words that were
stern and rough."

--------------------END OF PARVA 2 : UPA-PARVA 39 ---------------------