Sunday, June 1, 2014

Parva 02 031


Vaisampayana said,--"I shall now recite to you the deeds and triumphs of
Nakula, and how that exalted one conquered the direction that had once
been subjugated by Vasudeva. The intelligent Nakula, surrounded by a
large host, set out from Khandavaprastha for the west, making this earth
tremble with the shouts and the leonine roars of the warriors and the
deep rattle of chariot wheels. And the hero first assailed the
mountainous country called Rohitaka that was dear unto (the celestial
generalissimo) Kartikeya and which was delightful and prosperous and full
of kine and every kind of wealth and produce. And the encounter the son
of Pandu had with the Mattamyurakas of that country was fierce. And the
illustrious Nakula after this, subjugated the whole of the desert country
and the region known as Sairishaka full of plenty, as also that other one
called Mahetta. And the hero had a fierce encounter with the royal sage
Akrosa. And the son of Pandu left that part of the country having
subjugated the Dasarnas, the Sivis, the Trigartas, the Amvashtas, the
Malavas, the five tribes of the Karnatas, and those twice born classes
that were called the Madhyamakeyas and Vattadhanas. And making circuitous
journey that bull among men then conquered the (Mlechcha) tribes called
the Utsava-sanketas. And the illustrious hero soon brought under
subjection the mighty Gramaniya that dwelt on the shore of the sea, and
the Sudras and the Abhiras that dwelt on the banks of the Saraswati, and
all those tribes that lived upon fisheries, and those also that dwelt on
the mountains, and the whole of the country called after the five rivers,
and the mountains called Amara, and the country called Uttarayotisha and
the city of Divyakutta and the tribe called Dwarapala. And the son of
Pandu, by sheer force, reduced to subjection the Ramathas, the Harahunas,
and various kings of the west. And while staying there Nakula sent. O
Bharata, messengers unto Vasudeva. And Vasudeva with all the Yadavas
accepted his sway. And the mighty hero, proceeding thence to Sakala, the
city of the Madras, made his uncle Salya accept from affection the sway
of the Pandavas. And, O monarch, the illustrious prince deserving the
hospitality and entertainment at his uncle's hands, was well entertained
by his uncle. And skilled in war, the prince, taking from Salya a large
quantity of jewels and gems, left his kingdom. And the son of Pandu then
reduced to subjection the fierce Mlechchas residing on the sea coast, as
also the wild tribes of the Palhavas, the Kiratas, the Yavanas, and the
Sakas. And having subjugated various monarchs, and making all of them pay
tributes, Nakula that foremost of the Kurus, full of resources, retraced
his way towards his own city. And, O king, so great was the treasure
which Nakula brought that ten thousand camels could carry it with
difficulty on their backs. And arriving at Indraprastha, the heroic and
fortunate son of Madri presented the whole of that wealth unto

"Thus, O king, did Nakula subjugate the countries that lay to the
west--the direction that is presided over by the god Varuna, and that had
once before been subjugated by Vasudeva himself!"

--------------------END OF PARVA 2 : UPA-PARVA 31 ---------------------