Sunday, June 1, 2014

Parva 02 019


"Krishna said,--some time after this, the great ascetic, the exalted
Chandakausika, again came into the country of the Magadhas. Filled with
joy at the advent of the Rishi, king Vrihadratha, accompanied by his
ministers and priest and wives and son, went out to receive him. And, O
Bharata, worshipping the Rishi with water to wash his feet and face, and
with the offerings of Arghya the king then offered his whole kingdom
along with his son for the acceptance of the Rishi. The adorable Rishi
accepting that worship offered by the king, addressing the ruler of
Magadha, O monarch, said with well-pleased heart,--O king, I knew all
this by spiritual insight. But hear, O king of kings, what this son of
thine will be in future, as also what his beauty, excellence, strength,
and valour will be. Without doubt this son of thine, growing in
prosperity and endued with prowess, will obtain all these. Like other
birds that can never imitate the speed of Vinata's son (Garuda), the
other monarchs of the earth will not be able to equal in energy this thy
son, who will be endued with great valour. And all those that will stand
in his way will certainly be destroyed. Like the force of the current
that can never make the slightest impression upon the rocky breast of a
mountain, weapons hurled at him even by the celestials will fail to
produce the least pain in him. He will blaze forth above the heads of all
that wear crowns on their brows. Like the sun that dims the lustre of all
luminous bodies, this son of yours will rob all monarchs of their
splendour. Even kings that are powerful and own large armies and
numberless vehicles and animals, upon approaching this son of thine, will
all perish as insects upon fire. This child will seize the growing
prosperity of all kings like the ocean receiving the rivers swollen with
the water of the rainy season. Like the huge earth that bears all kinds
of produce, supporting things that are both good and evil, this child
endued with great strength will support all the four orders of men. And
all the kings of the earth will live in obedience to the commands of this
child just as every creature endued with body live in dependence upon
Vayu that is dear as self unto beings. This prince of Magadha--the
mightiest of all men in the world--will behold with his physical eyes the
god of gods called Rudra or Hara, the slayer of Tripura. O you slayer of
all foes, saying this, the Rishi, thinking of his own business, dismissed
king Vrihadratha. The lord of the Magadhas then, re-entering his capital,
and calling together his friends and relations, installed Jarasandha, on
the throne. King Vrihadratha then came to feel a great distaste for
worldly pleasures. And after the installation of Jarasandha king
Vrihadratha followed by his two wives became an inmate of an ascetic
asylum in the woods. And, O king, after his father and mothers had
retired into the woods, Jarasandha by his valour brought numerous kings
under his sway.'"

"Vaisampayana continued,--'King Vrihadratha, having lived for some time
in the woods and practised ascetic penances, ascended to heaven at last
with his wives. King Jarasandha, also, as uttered by Kausika, having
received those numerous boons ruled his kingdom like a father. Some time
after when king Kansa was slain by Vasudeva, an enmity arose between him
and Krishna. Then, O Bharata, the mighty king of Magadha from his city of
Girivraja, whirling a mace ninety-nine times, hurled it towards Mathura.
At that time Krishna of wonderful deeds was residing at Mathura. The
handsome mace hurled by Jarasandha fell near Mathura at a distance of
ninety-nine yojanas from Gririvraja The citizens beholding the
circumstance well, went unto Krishna and informed him of the fall of the
mace. The place where the mace fell is adjacent to Mathura and is called
Gadavasan. Jarasandha had two supporters called Hansa and Dimvaka, both
of whom were incapable of being slain by weapons. Well-conversant with
the science of politics and morality, in counsel they were the foremost
of all intelligent men. I have already told you everything about that
mighty pair. They two and Jarasandha, I believe, are more than a match
for three worlds. O brave king, it was for this reason that the powerful
Kukkura, Andhaka and Vrishni tribes, acting from motives of policy, did
not deem it proper to fight with him.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 2 : UPA-PARVA 19 ---------------------