"Karna said,--'We have never heard of such an act (as this one of
Draupadi), performed by any of the women noted in this world for their
beauty. When the sons of both Pandu and Dhritarashtra were excited with
wrath, this Draupadi became unto the sons of Pandu as their salvation.
Indeed the princess of Panchala, becoming as a boat unto the sons of
Pandu who were sinking in a boatless ocean of distress, hath brought them
in safety to the shore.'"
Vaisampayana continued,--"Hearing these words of Karna in the midst of
the Kurus,--viz., that the sons of Pandu were saved by their wife,--the
angry Bhimasena in great affliction said (unto Arjuna),--'O Dhananjaya,
it hath been said by Devala three lights reside in every person, viz.,
offspring, acts and learning, for from these three hath sprung creation.
When life becometh extinct and the body becometh impure and is cast off
by relatives, these three become of service to every person. But the
light that is in us hath been dimmed by this act of insult to our wife.
How, O Arjuna, can a son born from this insulted wife of ours prove
serviceable to us?
"Arjuna replied,--'Superior persons, O Bharata, never prate about the
harsh words that may or may not be uttered by inferior men. Persons that
have earned respect for themselves, even if they are able to retaliate,
remember not the acts of hostility done by their enemies, but, on the
other hand, treasure up only their good deeds.'
'Bhima said,--'Shall I, O king, slay, without loss of time all these foes
assembled together, even here, or shall I destroy them, O Bharata, by the
roots, outside this palace? Or, what need is there of words or of
command? I shall slay all these even now, and rule you the whole earth,
O king, without a rival. And saying this, Bhima with his younger
brothers, like a lion in the midst of a herd of inferior animals,
repeatedly cast his angry glances around. But Arjuna, however, of white
deeds, with appealing looks began to pacify his elder brother. And the
mighty-armed hero endued with great prowess began to burn with the fire
of his wrath. And, O king, this fire began to issue out of Vrikodara's
ears and other senses with smoke and sparks and flames. And his face
became terrible to behold in consequence of his furrowed brows like those
of Yama himself at the time of the universal destruction. Then
Yudhishthira forbade the mighty hero, embracing him with his arms and
telling him 'Be not so. Stay in silence and peace.' And having pacified
the mighty-armed one with eyes red in wrath, the king approached his
uncle Dhritarashtra, with hands joined in entreaty."
--------------------END OF PARVA 2 : UPA-PARVA 70 ---------------------