Sunday, June 1, 2014

Parva 02 020


(Jarasandhta-badha Parva)

"Krishna said,--both Hansa and Dimvaka have fallen; Kansa also with all
his followers has been slain. The time hath, therefore come for the
destruction of Jarasandha. He is incapable of being vanquished in battle
even by all the celestials and the Asuras (fighting together). We think,
however, that he should be vanquished in a personal struggle with bare
arms. In me is policy, in Bhima is strength and in Arjuna is triumph; and
therefore, as prelude to performing the Rajasuya, we will certainly
achieve the destruction of the ruler of Magadha. When we three approach
that monarch in secret, and he will, without doubt, be engaged in an
encounter with one of us. From fear of disgrace, from covetousness, and
from pride of strength he will certainly summon Bhima to the encounter.
Like death himself that slays a person however swollen with pride, the
long-armed and mighty Bhimasena will effect the destruction of the king.
If you knowest my heart, if you hast any faith in me, then make over to
me, as a pledge, Bhima and Arjuna without loss of time!"

"Vaisampayana continued,--Thus addressed by the exalted one,
Yudhishthira, beholding both Bhima and Arjuna standing with cheerful
faces, replied, saying--'O Achyuta, O Achyuta, you slayer of all
enemies, say not so. Thou are the lord of the Pandavas! We are dependent
on thee. What you sayest, O Govinda, is consistent with wise counsels.
Thou never leadest those upon whom Prosperity hath turned her back. I who
stay under your command regard that Jarasandha is already slain, that the
monarchs confined by him have already been set free, that the Rajasuya
hath already been accomplished by me. O lord of the universe, O you best
of persons, watchfully act you so that this task may be accomplished.
Without the then I dare not live, like a sorrowful man afflicted with
disease, and bereft of the three attributes of morality, pleasure and
wealth. Partha cannot live without Sauri (Krishna), nor can Sauri live
without Partha. Nor is there anything in the world that is unconquerable
by these two, viz., Krishna and Arjuna. This handsome Bhima also is the
foremost of all persons endued with might. Of great renown, what can he
not achieve when with the two? Troops, when properly led, always do
excellent service. A force without a leader hath been called inert by the
wise. Forces, therefore, should always be led by experienced commanders.
Into places that are low, the wise always conduct the water. Even
fishermen cause the water (of tank) to run out through holes.
(Experienced leaders always lead their forces noting the loopholes and
assailable points of the foe). We shall, therefore, strive to accomplish
our purpose following the leadership of Govinda conversant with the
science of politics, that personage whose fame hath spread all over the
world. For the successful accomplishment of one's purposes one should
ever place Krishna in the van, that foremost of personages whose strength
consists in wisdom and policy and who possesseth a knowledge of both
method and means. For the accomplishment of one's purpose let, therefore,
Arjuna, the son of Pritha, follow Krishna the foremost of the Yadavas and
let Bhima follow Arjuna. Policy and good fortune and might will (then)
bring about success in a matter requiring valour.' Vaisampayana
said,--'Thus addressed by Yudhishthira, the trio Krishna, Arjuna and
Bhima, all possessed of great energy, set out for Magadha attired in the
garb of Snataka Brahmanas of resplendent bodies, and blessed by the
agreeable speeches of friends and relatives. Possessed of superior energy
and of bodies already like the Sun, the Moon, and the Fire, inflamed with
wrath at the sad lot of their relative kings, those bodies of theirs
became much more blazing. And the people, beholding Krishna and Arjuna,
both of whom had never before been vanquished in battle, with Bhima in
the van, all ready to achieve the same task, regarded Jarasandha as
already slain. For the illustrious pair (Krishna and Arjuna) were masters
that directed every operation (in the universe), as also all acts
relating to the morality, wealth, and pleasure of every being. Having set
out from the country of the Kurus, they passed through Kuru-jangala and
arrived at the charming lake of lotuses. Passing over the hills of
Kalakuta, they then went on crossing the Gandaki, the Sadanira
(Karatoya), and the Sarkaravarta and the other rivers taking their rise
in the same mountains. They then crossed the delightful Sarayu and saw
the country of Eastern Kosala. Passing over that country they went to
Mithila and then crossing the Mala and Charamanwati, the three heroes
crossed the Ganges and the Sone and went on towards the east. At last
those heroes of unfaded glory arrived at Magadha in the heart of (the
country of) Kushamva. Reaching then the hills of Goratha, they saw the
city of Magadha that was always filled with kine and wealth and water and
rendered handsome with the innumerable trees standing there.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 2 : UPA-PARVA 20 ---------------------