Sunday, June 1, 2014

Parva 02 004


"Vaisampayana said,--"Then that chief of men, king Yudhishthira, entered
that palatial sabha having first fed ten thousand Brahmanas with
preparations of milk and rice mixed with clarified butter and honey with
fruits and roots, and with pork and venison. The king gratified those
superior Brahmanas, who had come from various countries with food
seasoned with seasamum and prepared with vegetables called jibanti, with
rice mixed with clarified butter, with different preparations of
meat--with indeed various kinds of other food, as also numberless viands
that are fit to be sucked and innumerable kinds of drinks, with new and
unused robes and clothes, and with excellent floral wreaths. The king
also gave unto each of those Brahmanas a thousand kine. And, O Bharata,
the voice of the gratified Brahmanas uttering,--'What an auspicious day
is this! became so loud that it seemed to reach heaven itself. And when
the Kuru king entered the palatial sabha having also worshipped the gods
with various kinds of music and numerous species of excellent and costly
perfumes, the athletes and mimes and prize-fighters and bards and
encomiasts began to gratify that illustrious son of Dharma by exhibiting
their skill. And thus celebrating his entry into the palace, Yudhishthira
with his brothers sported within that palace like Sakra himself in
heaven. Upon the seats in that palace sat, along with the Pandavas,
Rishis and kings that came from various countries, viz., Asita and
Devala, Satya, Sarpamali and Mahasira; Arvavasu, Sumitra, Maitreya,
Sunaka and Vali; Vaka, Dalvya, Sthulasira, Krishna-Dwaipayana, and Suka
Sumanta, Jaimini, Paila, and the disciples of Vyasa, viz., ourselves;
Tittiri, Yajanavalkya, and Lomaharshana with his son; Apsuhomya, Dhaumya,
Animandavya; and Kausika; Damoshnisha and Traivali, Parnada, and
Varayanuka, Maunjayana, Vayubhaksha, Parasarya, and Sarika; Valivaka,
Silivaka, Satyapala, and Krita-srama; Jatukarna, and Sikhavat. Alamva and
Parijataka; the exalted Parvata, and the great Muni Markandeya;
Pavitrapani, Savarna, Bhaluki, and Galava. Janghabandhu, Raibhya,
Kopavega, and Bhrigu: Harivabhru, Kaundinya, Vabhrumali, and Sanatana,
Kakshivat, and Ashija, Nachiketa, and Aushija, Nachiketa, and Gautama;
Painga, Varaha, Sunaka, and Sandilya of great ascetic merit: Kukkura,
Venujangha, Kalapa and Katha;--these virtuous and learned Munis with
senses and souls under complete control, and many others as numerous, all
well-skilled in the Vedas and Vedangas and conversant with (rules of)
morality and pure and spotless in behaviour, waited on the illustrious
Yudhishthira, and gladdened him by their sacred discourses. And so also
numerous principal Kshatriyas, such as the illustrious and virtuous
Mujaketu, Vivarddhana, Sangramjit, Durmukha, the powerful Ugrasena;
Kakshasena, the lord of the Earth, Kshemaka the invincible; Kamatha, the
king of Kamvoja, and the mighty Kampana who alone made the Yavanas to
ever tremble at his name just as the god that wieldeth the thunder-bolt
maketh those Asuras, the Kalakeyas, tremble before him; Jatasura, and the
king of the Madrakas, Kunti, Pulinda the king of the Kiratas, and the
kings of Anga and Vanga, and Pandrya, and the king of Udhara, and
Andhaka; Sumitra, and Saivya that slayer of foes; Sumanas, the king of
the Kiratas, and Chanur the King of the Yavanas, Devarata, Bhoja, and the
so called Bhimaratha, Srutayudha--the king of Kalinga, Jayasena the king
of Magadha; and Sukarman, and Chekitana, and Puru that slayer of foes;
Ketumata, Vasudana, and Vaideha and Kritakshana: Sudharman, Aniruddha,
Srutayu endued with great strength; the invincible Anuparaja, the
handsome Karmajit; Sisupala with his son, the king of Karusha; and the
invincible youths of the Vrishni race, all equal in beauty unto the
celestials, viz., Ahuka, Viprithu, Sada, Sarana, Akrura, Kritavarman, and
Satyaka, the son of Sini; and Bhismaka, Ankriti, and the powerful
Dyumatsena, those chief of bowmen viz., the Kaikeyas and Yajnasena of the
Somaka race; these Kshatriyas endured with great might, all well-armed
and wealthy, and many others also regarded as the foremost, all waited
upon Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, in that Sabha, desirous of
ministering to his happiness. And those princes also, endued with great
strength, who dressing themselves in deer-skins learnt the science of
weapons under Arjuna, waited upon Yudhishthira. And O king, the princes
also of the Vrishni race, viz., Pradyumna (the son of Rukmini) and Samva,
and Yuyudhana the son of Satyaki and Sudharman and Aniruddha and Saivya
that foremost of men who had learnt the science of arms under Arjuna
these and many other kings, O lord of the Earth, used to wait on
Yudhishthira on that occasion. And that friend of Dhananjaya, Tumvuru,
and the Gandharva Chittasena with his ministers, any many other
Gandharvas and Apsaras, well-skilled in vocal and instrumental music and
in cadence and Kinnaras also well-versed in (musical) measures and
motions singing celestial tunes in proper and charming voices, waited
upon and gladdened the sons of Pandu and the Rishis who sat in that
Sabha. And seated in that Sabha, those bull among men, of rigid vows and
devoted to truth, all waited upon Yudhishthira like the celestials in
heaven waiting upon Brahma."

--------------------END OF PARVA 2 : UPA-PARVA 4 ---------------------