Thursday, June 12, 2014

Parva 02 068


Vaisampayana said,--"The kings present in that assembly, from tear of
Duryodhana, uttered not a word, good or ill, although they beheld
Draupadi crying piteously in affliction like a female osprey, and
repeatedly appealing to them. And the son of Dhritarashtra beholding
those kings and sons and grand sons of kings all remaining silent, smiled
a little, and addressing the daughter of the king of Panchala, said,--O
Yajnaseni, the question you hast put dependeth on your husbands--on Bhima
of mighty strength, on Arjuna, on Nakula, on Sahadeva. Let them answer
thy question. O Panchali, let them for your sake declare in the midst of
these respectable men that Yudhishthira is not their lord, let them
thereby make king Yudhishthira the just a liar. Thou shalt then be freed
from the condition of slavery. Let the illustrious son of Dharma, always
adhering to virtue, who is even like Indra, himself declare whether he is
not your lord. At his words, accept you the Pandavas or ourselves without
delay. Indeed, all the Kauravas present in this assembly are floating in
the ocean of your distress. Endued with magnanimity, they are unable to
answer your question, looking at your unfortunate husbands.'"

Vaisampayana continued,--"Hearing these words of the Kuru king, all who
were present in the assembly loudly applauded them. And shouting
approvingly, they made signs unto one another by motions of their eyes
and lips. And amongst some that were there, sounds of distress such as
'O! and 'Alas!" were heard. And at these words of Duryodhana, so
delightful (to his partisans), the Kauravas present in that assembly
became exceedingly glad. And the kings, with faces turned sideways,
looked upon Yudhishthira conversant with the rules of morality, curious
to hear what he would say. And every one present in that assembly became
curious to hear what Arjuna, the son of Pandu never defeated in battle,
and what Bhimasena, and what the twins also would say. And when that busy
hum of many voices became still, Bhimasena, waving his strong and
well-formed arms smeared with sandalpaste spake these words,--'If this
high-souled king Yudhishthira the just, who is our eldest brother, had
not been our lord, we would never have forgiven the Kuru race (for all
this). He is the lord of all our religious and ascetic merits, the lord
of even our lives. If he regardeth himself as won, we too have all been
won. If this were not so, who is there amongst creatures touching the
earth with their feet and mortal, that would escape from me with his life
after having touched those locks of the princess of Panchala? Behold
these mighty, well-formed arms of mine, even like maces of iron. Having
once come within them, even he of a hundred sacrifices is incapable of
effecting an escape. Bound by the ties of virtue and the reverence that
is due to our eldest brother, and repeatedly urged by Arjuna to remain
silent, I am not doing anything terrible. If however, I am once commanded
by king Yudhishthira the just, I would slay these wretched sons of
Dhritarashtra, making slaps do the work of swords, like a lion slaying a
number of little animals."

Vaisampayana continued,--"Unto Bhima who had spoken these words Bhishma
and Drona and Vidura said, 'Forbear, O Bhima. Everything is possible with

--------------------END OF PARVA 2 : UPA-PARVA 68 ---------------------