"Vaisampayana said, 'Having cooked, according to due rites, the other
excellent animals that were sacrificed, the priests then sacrificed,
agreeably to the injunctions of the scriptures, that steed (which had
wandered over the whole world). After cutting that horse into pieces,
conformably to scriptural directions, they caused Draupadi of great
intelligence, who was possessed of the three requisites of mantras,
things, and devotion, to sit near the divided animal. The Brahmanas then
with cool minds, taking up the marrow of that steed, cooked it duly, O
chief of Bharata's race. King Yudhishthira the just, with all his younger
brothers, then smelled, agreeably to the scriptures, the smoke, capable
of cleansing one from every sin, of the marrow that was thus cooked. The
remaining limbs, O king, of that horse, were poured into the fire by the
sixteen sacrificial priests possessed of great wisdom. Having thus
completed the sacrifice of that monarch, who was endued with the energy
of Sakra himself, the illustrious Vyasa with his disciples eulogised the
king greatly. Then Yudhishthira gave away unto the Brahmanas a thousand
crores of golden nishkas, and unto Vyasa he gave away the whole Earth.
Satyavati's son Vyasa, having accepted the Earth, addressed that foremost
one of Bharata's race, viz., king Yudhishthira the just, and said, 'O
best of kings, the Earth which thou hast given me I return unto thee. Do
thou give me the purchasing value, for Brahmanas are desirous of wealth
(and have no use with the Earth).' The high-souled Yudhishthira of great
intelligence staying with his brothers in the midst of the kings invited
to his sacrifice, said unto those Brahmanas, The 'Dakshina ordained in
the scriptures for the great Horse-sacrifice is the Earth. Hence, I have
given away unto the sacrificial priests the Earth conquered by Arjuna. Ye
foremost of Brahmanas, I shall enter the woods. Do ye divide the Earth
among yourselves. Indeed, do you divide the Earth into four parts
according to what is done in the Chaturhotra sacrifice. Ye best of
regenerate ones I do not desire to appropriate what now belongs to the
Brahmanas. Even this, ye learned Brahmanas, has been the intention always
cherished by myself and my brothers.' When the king said these words, his
brothers and Draupadi also said, 'Yes, it is even so.' Great was the
sensation created by this announcement. Then, O Bharata, an invisible
voice was heard in the welkin, saying,--'Excellent, Excellent!' The
murmurs also of crowds of Brahmanas as they spoke arose. The Island-born
Krishna, highly applauding him, once more addressed Yudhishthira, in the
presence of the Brahmanas, saying, 'The Earth has been given by thee to
me. I, however, give her back to thee. Do thou give unto these Brahmanas
gold. Let the Earth be thine.' Then Vasudeva, addressing king
Yudhishthira the just, said, 'It behoveth thee to do as thou art bid by
the illustrious Vyasa.' Thus addressed, the foremost one of Kuru's race,
along with all his brothers, became glad of soul, and gave away millions
of golden coins, in fact, trebling the Dakshina ordained for the
Horse-sacrifice. No other king will be able to accomplish what the Kuru
king accomplished on that occasion after the manner of Marutta. Accepting
that wealth, the Island-born sage, Krishna, of great learning, gave it
unto the sacrificial priests, dividing it into four parts. Having paid
that wealth as the price of the Earth, Yudhishthira, cleansed of his sins
and assured of Heaven rejoiced with his brothers. The sacrificial
priests, having got that unlimited quantity of wealth, distributed it
among the Brahmanas gladly and according to the desire of each recipient.
The Brahmanas also divided amongst themselves, agreeably to
Yudhishthira's permission, the diverse ornaments of gold that were in the
sacrificial compound, including the triumphal arches, the stakes, the
jars, and diverse kinds of vessels. After the Brahmanas had taken as much
as they desired, the wealth that remained was taken away by Kshatriyas
and Vaisyas and Sudras and diverse tribes of Mlechechas. Thus gratified
with presents by king Yudhishthira of great intelligence, the Brahmanas,
filled with joy, returned to their respective abodes. The holy and
illustrious Vyasa respectfully presented his own share, which was very
large, of that gold unto Kunti. Receiving that gift of affection from her
father-in-law, Pritha became glad of heart and devoted it to the
accomplishment of diverge acts of merit. King Yudhishthira, having bathed
at the conclusion of his sacrifice and become cleansed of all his sins,
shone in the midst of his brothers, honoured by all, like the chief of
the celestials in the midst of the denizens of Heaven. The sons of Pandu,
surrounded by the assembled kings, looked as beautiful, O king, as the
planets in the midst of the stars. Unto those kings they made presents of
various jewels and gems, and elephants and horses and ornaments of gold,
and female slaves and cloths and large measures of gold. Indeed, Pritha's
son by distributing that untold wealth among the invited monarchs, shone,
O king, like Vaisravana, the lord of treasures. Summoning next the heroic
king Vabhruvahana, Yudhishthira gave unto him diverse kinds of wealth in
profusion and gave him permission to return home. The son of Pandu, for
gratifying his sister Dussala, established her infant grandson in his
paternal kingdom. The Kuru king Yudhishthira, having a full control over
his senses, then dismissed the assembled kings all of whom had been
properly classed and honoured by him.[212] The illustrious son of Pandu,
that chastiser of foes, then duly worshipped the high-souled Govinda and
Valadeva of great might, and the thousands of other Vrishni heroes having
Pradyumna for their first. Assisted by his brothers, he then dismissed
them for returning to Dwaraka. Even thus was celebrated that sacrifice of
king Yudhishthira the just, which was distinguished by a profuse
abundance of food and wealth and jewels and gems, and oceans of wines of
different kinds. There were lakes whose mire consisted of ghee, and
mountains of food. There were also, O chief of Bharata's race, miry
rivers made of drinks having the six kinds of taste. Of men employed in
making and eating the sweetmeats called Khandavaragas, and of animals
slain for food, there was no end.[213] The vast space abounded with men
inebriated with wine, and with young ladies filled with joy. The
extensive grounds constantly echoed with the sounds of drums and the
blare of conches. With all these, the sacrifice became exceedingly
delightful. 'Let agreeable things be given away,'--'Let agreeable food be
eaten,'--these were the sounds that were repeatedly heard day and night
in that sacrifice. It was like a great festival, full of rejoicing and
contented men. People of diverse realms speak of that sacrifice to this
day. Having showered wealth in torrents, and diverse objects of desire,
and jewels and gems, and drinks of various kinds, the foremost one of
Bharata's race, cleansed of all his sins, and his purpose fulfilled,
entered his capital. '"