"Vaisampayana said. 'A battle took place between the diadem-decked
(Arjuna) and the sons and grandsons of the Trigartas whose hostility the
Pandavas has incurred before and all of whom were well-known as mighty
car-warriors. Having learnt that that foremost of steeds, which was
intended for the sacrifice, had come to their realm, these heroes, casing
themselves in mail, surrounded Arjuna. Mounted on their cars, drawn by
excellent and well-decked horses, and with quivers on their backs, they
surrounded that horse, O king, and endeavoured to capture it. The
diadem-decked Arjuna, reflecting on that endeavour of theirs, forbade
those heroes, with conciliatory speeches, O chastiser of foes.
Disregarding Arjuna's message, they assailed him with their shafts. The
diadem-decked Arjuna resisted those warriors who were under the sway of
darkness and passion. Jishnu, addressed them smilingly and said, 'Desist,
ye unrighteous ones. Life is a benefit (that should not be thrown away).'
At the time of his setting out, he had been earnestly ordered by king
Yudhishthira the just, not to slay those Kshatriyas whose kinsmen had
been slain before on the field of Kurukshetra. Recollecting these
commands of king Yudhishthira the just who was endued with great
intelligence, Arjuna asked the Trigartas to forbear. But they disregarded
Arjuna's injunction. Then Arjuna vanquished Suryavarman, the king of the
Trigartas, in battle, by shooting countless shafts at him and laughed in
scorn. The Trigarta warriors, however, filling the ten points with the
clatter of their cars and car-wheels, rushed towards Dhananjaya. Then
Suryavarman, displaying his great lightness of hand, pierced Dhananjaya
with hundreds of straight arrows, O monarch. The other great bowmen who
followed the king and who were all desirous of compassing the destruction
of Dhananjaya, shot showers of arrows on him. With countless shafts shot
from his own bow-siring, the son of Pandu, O king, cut off those clouds
of arrows; upon which they fell down. Endued with great energy,
Ketuvarman, the younger brother of Suryavarman, and possessed of youthful
vigour, fought, for the sake of his brother, against Pandu's son
possessed of great fame. Beholding Ketuvarman approaching towards him for
battle, Vibhatsu, that slayer of hostile heroes, slew him with many
sharp-pointed arrows. Upon Ketuvarman's fall, the mighty car-warrior
Dhritavarman, rushing on his car towards Arjuna, showered a perfect
downpour of arrows on him. Beholding that lightness of hand displayed by
the youth Dhritavarman, Gudakesa of mighty energy and great prowess
became highly gratified with him. The son of Indra could not see when the
young warrior took out his arrows and when he placed them on his
bow-string aiming at him. He only saw showers of arrows in the air. For a
brief space of time, Arjuna gladdened his enemy and mentally admired his
heroism and skill. The Kuru hero, smiling the while, fought with that
youth who resembled an angry snake. The mighty armed Dhananjaya, glad as
he was in beholding the valour of Dhritavarman, did not take his life.
While, however, Partha of immeasurable energy fought mildly with him
without wishing to take his life, Dhritavarman shot a blazing arrow at
him. Deeply pierced in the hand by that arrow, Vijaya became stupefied
and his bow Gandiva fell down on the Earth from his relaxed grasp. The
form of that bow, O king, when it fell from the grasp of Arjuna,
resembled, O Bharata, that of the bow of Indra (that is seen in the
welkin after a shower). When that great and celestial bow fell down, O
monarch, Dhritavarman laughed loudly in battle. At this, Jishnu, excited
with rage, wiped the blood from his hand and once more taking up his bow,
showered a perfect downpour of arrows. Then a loud and confused noise
arose, filling the welkin and touching the very heavens as it were, from
diverse creatures who applauded that feat of Dhananjaya. Beholding Jishnu
inflamed with rage and looking like Yama himself as he appears at the end
of the Yuga, the Trigarta warriors hastily surrounded him, rushing from
their posts and desirous of rescuing Dhritavarman. Seeing himself
surrounded by his foes, Arjuna became more angry than before. He then
quickly despatched eight and ten of their foremost warriors with many
shafts of hard iron that resembled the arrows of the great Indra himself.
The Trigarta warriors then began to fly. Seeing them retreat, Dhananjaya,
with great speed, shot many shafts at them that resembled wrathful snakes
of virulent poison, and laughed aloud. The mighty car-warriors of the
Trigartas, with dispirited hearts, fled in all directions, exceedingly
afflicted by Dhananjaya with his arrows. They then addressed that tiger
among men, that slayer of the Samsaptaka host (on the field of
Kurukshetra), saying, 'We are your slaves. We yield to thee.[190] Do thou
command us, O Partha. Lo, we wait here as the most docile of thy
servants. O delighter of the Kurus, we shall execute all thy commands.'
Hearing these words expressive of their submission, Dhananjaya, said unto
them, 'Do ye, O kings, save your lives, and accept my dominion.'"