"Vaisampayana said, 'Worshipped by the ruler of Magadha, Pandu's son
having white steeds yoked unto his car, proceeded along the south,
following the (sacrificial) steed. Turning round in course of his
wanderings at will, the mighty steed came upon the beautiful city of the
Chedis called after the oyster.[199] Sarabha, the son of Sisupala, endued
with great strength, first encountered Arjuna in battle and then
worshipped him with due honours. Worshipped by him, O king, that best of
steeds then proceeded to the realms of the Kasis, the Angas, the Kosalas,
the Kiratas, and the Tanganas. Receiving due honours in all those realms,
Dhananjaya turned his course. Indeed, the son of Kunti then proceeded to
the country of the Dasarnas. The ruler of that people was Chitrangada who
was endued with great strength and was a crusher of foes. Between him and
Vijaya occurred a battle exceedingly terrible. Bringing him under his
sway the diadem-decked Arjuna, that foremost of men, proceeded to the
dominions of the Nishada king, viz., the son of Ekalavya. The soon of
Ekalavya received Arjuna in battle. The encounter that took place between
the Kuru hero and the Nishadas was so furious as to make the hair stand
on end. Unvanquished in battle, the valiant son of Kunti defeated the
Nishada king who proved an obstacle to the sacrifice. Having subjugated
the son of Ekalavya, O king, the son of Indra, duly worshipped by the
Nishadas, then proceeded towards the southern ocean. In those regions
battle took place between the diadem-decked hero and the Dravidas and
Andhras and the fierce Mahishakas and the hillmen of Kolwa. Subjugating
those tribes without having to accomplish any fierce feats, Arjuna
proceeded to the country of the Surashtras, his footsteps guided by the
horse. Arrived at Gokarna, he repaired thence to Prabhasa. Next he
proceeded to the beautiful city of Dwaravati protected by the heroes of
the Vrishni race. When the beautiful sacrificial horse of the Kuru king
reached Dwaravati, the Yadava youths, used force against that foremost of
steeds. King Ugrasena, however, soon went out and forbade those youths
from doing what they meditated. Then the ruler of the Vrishnis and the
Andhakas, issuing out of his palace, with Vasudeva, the maternal uncle of
Arjuna, in his company, cheerfully met the Kuru hero and received him
with due rites. The two elderly chiefs honoured Arjuna duly. Obtaining
their permission, the Kuru prince then proceeded to where the horse he
followed, led him. The sacrificial steed then proceeded along the coast
of the western ocean and at last reached the country of the five waters
which swelled with population and prosperity. Thence, O king, the steed
proceeded to the country of Gandharas. Arrived there, it wandered at
will, followed by the son of Kunti. Then occurred a fierce battle between
the diadem-decked hero and the ruler of Gandharas, viz., the son of
Sakuni, who had a bitter rememberance of the grudge his sire bore to the