"Vaisampayana said, 'Meanwhile, Vasudeva of great energy accompanied by
the Vrishnis, came to the city called after the elephant. While leaving
that city for returning to his own Dwaraka, he had been requested by the
son of Dharma to come back. Hence, knowing that the time fixed for the
horse-sacrifice had come, that foremost of men came back (to the Kuru
capital). Accompanied by the son of Rukmini, by Yuyudhana, by
Charudeshna, by Samva, by Gada, by Kritavarman, by the heroic Sarana, by
Nisatha, and by the Unmukha, Vasudeva came with Valadeva at the head of
the train, with Subhadra also accompanying him. Indeed, that hero came
for seeing Draupadi and Uttara and Pirtha and for comforting those
Kshatriya ladies of distinction who had been bereft of many of their
protectors. Beholding those heroes come, king Dhritarashtra, as also the
high-souled Vidura, received them with due honours. That foremost of men,
viz., Krishna of great energy, well adored by Vidura and Yuyutsu,
continued to reside in the Kuru capital. It was while the Vrishni heroes,
O Janamejaya, were residing in the Kuru city, O king, that thy sire, that
slayer of hostile heroes, was born. The royal Parikshit, O monarch,
afflicted by the Brahma weapon (of Aswatthaman), upon coming out of the
womb, lay still and motionless, for life he had not. By his birth he had
gladdened the citizens but soon plunged them into grief. The citizens,
learning of the birth of the prince, uttered a leonine shout. That noise
proceeded to the utmost verge of every point of the compass. Soon,
however, (when it was known that the prince was bereft of life), that
noise ceased. With great haste Krishna, his senses and mind considerably
affected, with Yuyudhana in his company, entered the inner apartments of
the palace. He beheld his own paternal aunt (Kunti) coming, loudly
weeping and calling upon him repeatedly. Behind her were Draupadi and the
famous Subhadra, and the wives of the relatives of the Pandavas, all
weeping piteously. Meeting Krishna, Kunti, that daughter of the Bhoja
race, said unto him, O foremost of monarchs, these words in a voice
chocked with tears, 'O Vasudeva, O mighty-armed hero, Devaki by having
borne thee, has come to be regarded as an excellent genetrix. Thou art
our refuge, and our glory. This race (of Pandu) depends upon thee for its
protector. O Yadava hero, O puissant one, this child of thy sister's son,
has come out of the womb, slain by Aswatthaman. O Kesava, do thou revive
him. O delighter of the Yadavas, even this was vowed by thee, O puissant
one, when Aswatthaman had inspired the blade of grass into a
Brahma-weapon of mighty energy. Indeed, O Kesava, thy words were even
these, I shall revive that child if he comes out of the womb dead.--That
child, O son, has been born dead. Behold him, O foremost of men. It
behoveth thee, O Madhava, to rescue Uttara and Subhadra and Draupadi and
myself, and Dharma's son (Yudhishthira), and Bhima and Phalguna, and
Nakula, and the irresistible Sahadeva. In this child are bound the
life-breaths of the Pandavas and myself. O thou of the Dasarha race, on
him depends the obsequial cake of Pandu, as also of my father-in-law, and
of Abhimanyu too, blessed be thou, that darling nephew of thine who was
so very like unto thee. Do thou accomplish today what will be beneficial
to all these. I urge thee earnestly, O Janarddana. Uttara, O slayer of
foes, always repeats the words said unto her by Abhimanyu. Without doubt,
O Krishna, those words were highly agreeable to her. O thou of the
Dasarha race, Arjuna's son said unto this daughter of Virata,--Thy son, O
blessed girl, will go to my maternal uncles. Taking up his residence with
the Vrishnis and Andhakas, he will obtain from them the science of arms,
indeed, diverse wonderful weapons and the whole of the science of
politics and morality. Even these were the words, O son, that that slayer
of hostile heroes, viz., the son of Subhadra, that irresistible hero,
said unto Uttara. from his affection for her. O slayer of Madhu, bowing
our heads unto thee, we pray thee for making those words of Abhimanyu
true. In view also of the time that has come, do thou accomplish what is
highly beneficial. Having said these words unto that hero of the
Vrishni's race, Pritha of large eyes, raised her arms upwards and with
the other ladies in her company, fell down on the Earth. All of them,
with eyes rendered muddy by tears, repeatedly exclaimed, saying, 'Alas,
the son of Vasudeva's nephew has been born dead.' After Kunti had said
so, Janarddana took hold of her, O Bharata, and gently raising her from
the Earth, comforted her as follows.'"