"Vaisampayana said, 'Beholding those kings--lords of Earth--all
conversant with the Vedas, arrive, king Yudhishthira, addressing
Bhimasena, said,--'O chief of men, let proper honours be paid to these
kings who have come (to my sacrifice), for these foremost of men are all
worthy of the highest honours.' Thus addressed by king Yudhishthira of
great fame Pandu's son Bhimasena of mighty energy did as he was enjoined,
assisted by the twins. The foremost of all men, viz., Govinda, came
there, accompanied by the Vrishnis, and with Valadeva in the van. He was
accompanied by Yuyudhana and Pradyumna and Gada, and Nisatha and Samvo
and Kritavarman. The mighty car-warrior Bhima offered them the most
reverential worship. Those princes then entered the palaces, adorned with
gems, that were assigned to them. At the end of a conversation he had
with Yudhishthira, the slayer of Madhu referred to Arjuna who had been
emaciated in consequence of many fights. The son of Kunti repeatedly
asked Krishna, that chastiser of foes, about Arjuna. Unto Dharma's son,
the lord of all the universe began to speak about Jishnu, the son of
Sakra. 'O king, a confidential agent of mine residing in Dwaraka came to
me. He had seen Arjuna, that foremost of Pandu's sons. Indeed, the latter
has been very much emaciated with the fatigue of many battles. O puissant
monarch, that agent of mine informed me that the mighty-armed hero is
very near to us. Do thou set thyself to accomplish thy Horse-sacrifice.'
Thus addressed, king Yudhishthira the just, said unto him,--'By good
luck, O Madhava, Arjuna comes back safely. I desire to ascertain from
thee, O delighter of the Yadavas, what has been said in this matter by
that mightiest of heroes among the song of Pandu.' Thus addressed by king
Yudhishthira the just, the lord of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas, that
foremost of eloquent men, said these words unto that monarch of righteous
soul,--'My agent, recollecting the words of Partha, reported them thus to
me, O great king,--Yudhishthira, O Krishna, should be told these words of
mine when the time comes. O chief of the Kauravas. many kings will come
(to thy sacrifice). When they arrive, high honours should be paid unto
them. This would, indeed, be worthy for us. O giver of honours, the king
should further be informed at my request that he should do what is
necessary for preventing a carnage similar to what took place at the time
of presenting the Arghya (on the occasion of the Rajasuya-sacrifice). Let
Krishna also approve of this. Let not. O king, through the ill-feeling of
kings, the people be slaughtered. My man further reported, O king, these
words of Dhananjaya. Listen as I repeat them, 'O monarch, the ruler of
Manipura, my dear son Vabhruvahana, will come at the sacrifice. Do thou
honour him duly for my sake. O puissant one. He is always attached and
deeply devoted to me.'--Hearing these words, king Yudhishthira the just,
approved of them and said as follows.'