Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Parva 14 060


"Vasudeva said, 'O thou of Vrishni's race, I have repeatedly heard men
speaking of the wonderful battle (between the Kurus and the Pandavas).
Thou, however, O mighty-armed one, hast witnessed it with thy own eyes.
Do thou, therefore, O sinless one, describe the battle in detail. Indeed,
tell me how that battle took place between the high-souled Pandavas (on
the one side) and Bhishma and Karna and Kripa and Drona and Salya and
others (on the other side), between, in fact, numerous other Kshatriyas
well-skilled in aims, differing from one another in mien and attire, and
hailing from diverse realms.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus addressed by his sire, he of eyes like
lotus-petals narrated, in the presence of his mother also, how the
Kaurava heroes had been slain in battle.'

"Vasudeva said, 'The feats were highly wonderful that were achieved by
those high-souled Kshatriyas. In consequence of their large number, they
are incapable of being enumerated in even hundreds of years. I shall
however, mention only the foremost of them. Do thou listen, therefore, to
me as I mention in brief those feats achieved by the kings of Earth. O
thou of godlike splendour. Bhishma of Kuru's race became the
generalissimo, having eleven divisions of the Kaurava princes under his
command, like Vasava of the celestial forces.[176] Sikhandin of great
intelligence, protected by the blessed Arjuna, became the leader of the
seven divisions of the sons of Pandu. The battle between the Kurus and
the Pandavas (under these leaders) raged for ten days. It was so fierce
as to make one's hair stand on its end. Then Sikhandin, in great battle,
aided by the wielder of Gandiva, slew, with innumerable arrows, the son
of Ganga fighting bravely. Lying on a bed of arrows, Bhishma waited like
an ascetic till the sun leaving his southward path entered on his
northerly course when that hero gave up his life-breaths. Then Drona,
that foremost of all persons conversant with arms, that greatest of men
under Duryodhana, like Kavya himself of the lord of the Daityas, became
generalissimo.[177] That foremost of regenerate persons, ever boasting of
his prowess in battle, was supported by the remnant of the Kaurava force
consisting then of nine Akshauhinis, and protected by Kripa and Vrisha
and others. Dhrishtadyumna conversant with many mighty weapons, and
possessed of great intelligence, became the leader of the Pandavas. He
was protected by Bhima like Varuna protected by Mitra. That high-souled
hero, always desirous of measuring his strength with Drona, supported by
the (remnant of the) Pandava army, and recollecting the wrongs inflicted
(by Drona) on his sire (Drupada, the king of the Panchalas), achieved
great feats in battle. In that encounter between Drona and the son of
Prishata, the kings assembled from diverse realms were nearly
exterminated. That furious battle lasted for five days. At the conclusion
of that period, Drona, exhausted, succumbed to Dhrishtadyumna. After
that, Karna became the generalissimo of Duryodhana's forces. He was
supported in battle by the remnant of the Kaurava host which numbered
five Akshauhinis. Of the sons of Pandu there were then three Akshauhinis.
After the slaughter of innumerable heroes, protected by Arjuna, they came
to battle. The Suta's son Karna, though a fierce warrior, encountering
Partha, came to his end on the second day, like an insect encountering a
blazing fire. After the fall of Karna, the Kauravas became dispirited and
lost all energy. Numbering three Akshauhinis, they gathered round the
ruler of the Madras. Having lost many car-warriors and elephants and
horsemen, the remnant of the Pandava army, numbering one Akshauhini and
penetrated with cheerlessness, supported Yudhishthira (as their leader).
The king Yudhishthira, in the battle that ensued, achieved the most
difficult feats and slew, before half the day was over, the king of the
Madras. After the fall of Salya, the high-souled Sahadeva of immeasurable
prowess slew Sakuni, the man who had brought about the quarrel (between
the Pandavas and the Kurus). After the fall of Sakuni, the royal son of
Dhritarashtra, whose army had suffered an extensive carnage and who on
that account had become exceedingly cheerless, fled from the field, armed
with his mace. Then Bhimasena of great prowess, filled with wrath,
pursued him and discovered him within the waters of the Dwaipayana lake.
With the remnant of their army, the Pandavas surrounded the lake and,
filled with joy, encountered Duryodhana concealed within the waters.
Their wordy shafts, penetrating through the waters, pierced Duryodhana.
Rising up from the lake, the latter approached the Pandavas, armed with
his mace, desirous of battle. Then, in the great battle that ensued, the
royal son of Dhritarashtra was slain by Bhimasena who put forth his great
prowess, in the presence of many kings. After this the remnant of the
Pandava army, as it slept in the camp, was slaughtered at night time by
Drona's son who was unable to put up with the slaughter of his father (at
the hands of Dhrishtadyumna). Their sons slain, their forces slain, only
the five sons of Pandu are alive with myself and Yuyudhana. With Kripa
and the Bhoja prince Kritavarman, the son of Drona represents the unslain
remnant of the Kaurava army. Dhritarashtra's son Yuyutsu also escaped
slaughter in consequence of his having adopted the side of the Pandavas.
Upon the slaughter of the Kaurava king (Suyodhana) with all his followers
and allies, Vidura and Sanjaya have come to the presence of king
Yudhishthira the just. Even thus did that battle occur, O lord, for eight
and ten days. Many kings of Earth, slain therein, have ascended to

"Vaisampayana continued, 'The Vrishnis, as they heard, O king, that
dreadful account became filled with grief and sorrow and pain.'