"Vaisampayana said, 'Having said these words, Partha set out, following
the horse which wandered at its will. The sacrificial steed then turned
towards the road that led to the city called after the elephant.
Yudhishthira heard from his intelligence-bearers that the steed had
turned back. And hearing also that Arjuna was hale and hearty, he became
filled with joy.[202] Hearing also the feats, accomplished by Vijaya in
the country of the Gandharas as also in another realms, the king became
exceedingly glad. Meanwhile, king Yudhishthira the just, seeing that the
twelfth day of the lighted fortnight in the month of Magha had come, and
noticing also that the constellation was favourable, summoned all his
brothers, viz., Bhima and Nakula and Sahadeva. Endued with great energy,
the king, O thou of Kuru's race, that foremost of all persons conversant
with duties, said these words in proper time. Indeed, that foremost of
all speakers, addressing Bhima, the first of all smiters, said;--'Thy
younger brother (Arjuna), O Bhimasena, is coming back with the horse. I
have learnt this from those men who had followed Arjuna. The time (for
the sacrifice) is come. The sacrificial horse is near. The day of full
moon of the month of Magha is at hand. The month is about to expire, O
Vrikodara. Let, therefore, learned Brahmanas conversant with the Vedas
look for a sacrificial spot for the successful accomplishment of the
Horse-sacrifice.' Thus addressed, Bhima obeyed the royal behest. He
became very glad upon hearing that Arjuna of curly hair was about to come
back. Then Bhima went out with a number of men well conversant with the
rules of laying out sacrificial grounds and constructing buildings. And
he took with him many Brahmanas well-versed in all the rites of
sacrifices. Bhima selected a beautiful spot and caused it to be duly
measured out for laying the sacrificial compound. Numerous houses and
mansions were constructed on it and high and broad roads also were laid
out. Soon enough the Kaurava hero caused that ground to teem with
hundreds of excellent mansions. The surface was levelled and made smooth
with jewels and gems, and adorned with diverse structures made of gold.
Columns were raised, ornamented with bright gold, and high and wide
triumphal arches also were constructed on that sacrificial compound. All
these were made of pure gold. The righteous-souled prince also caused
apartments to be duly constructed for the accommodation of ladies and of
the numerous kings who, hailing from many realms, were expected to grace
the sacrifice with their presence. The son of Kunti also caused many
mansions to be duly erected for Brahmanas who were expected to come from
diverse realms. Then the mighty-armed Bhimasena, at the command of the
king, sent out messengers to the great kings of the Earth. Those best of
kings, came to the Horse-sacrifice of the Kuru monarch for doing what was
agreeable to him. And they brought many gems with them and many female
slaves and horses and weapons. The sounds that arose from those
high-souled kings who resided within those pavilions touched the very
heavens and resembled the noise made by the roaring ocean. King
Yudhishthira, the delighter of the Kurus, assigned unto the monarchs who
thus came to his sacrifice diverse kinds of food and drink, and beds also
of celestial beauty. The chief of the Bharatas, viz., king Yudhishthira
the just, assigned several stables well filled with different kinds of
corn and sugarcane and milk to the animals (that came with the guests).
To that great sacrifice of king Yudhishthira the just who was possessed
of high intelligence, there also came a large number of Munis all of whom
were utterers of Brahman. Indeed, O lord of Earth, all the foremost ones
among the regenerate class that were then alive, came to that sacrifice,
accompanied by their disciples. The Kuru king received them all. King
Yudhishthira of mighty energy, casting off all pride, himself followed
all his guests to the pavilions that had been assigned for their
residence. Then all the mechanics and engineers, having completed the
arrangements of the sacrifice informed king Yudhishthira of it. Hearing
that everything was ready, king Yudhishthira the just, full of alertness
and attention, became highly glad along with his brothers all of whom
honoured him duly.'
"Vaisampayana continued, 'When the great sacrifice of Yudhishthira
commenced, many eloquent dialecticians started diverse propositions and
disputed thereon, desirous of vanquishing one another.[203] The (invited)
kings beheld the excellent preparations of that sacrifice, resembling
those of the chief himself of the deities, made, O Bharata, by Bhimasena.
They beheld many triumphal arches made of gold, and many beds and seats
and other articles of enjoyment and luxury, and crowds of men collected
at different sports. There were also many jars and vessels and cauldrons
and jugs and lids and covers. The invited kings saw nothing there that
was not made of gold. Many sacrificial stakes also were set up, made,
according to the directions of the scriptures of wood, and adorned with
gold. Endued with great effulgence, these were duly planted and dedicated
(with scriptural Mantras). The king saw all animals, again, which belong
to land and all those which belong to water, collected there on the
occasion. And they also beheld many kine and many buffaloes and many old
women, and many aquatic animals, many beasts of prey and many species of
birds, and many specimens of viviparous and oviparous creatures, and many
that are filth-born, and many belonging to the vegetable kingdom, and
many animals and plants that live or grow on mountains. Beholding the
sacrificial compound thus adorned with animals and kine and corn, the
invited kings became filled with wonder. Large heaps of costly
sweet-meats were kept ready for both the Brahmanas and the Vaisyas. And
when the feeding was over of a hundred thousand Brahmanas, drums and
cymbals were beat. And so large was the number fed that the sounds of
drums and cymbals were repeatedly heard, indeed, from day to day those
sounds continued. Thus was performed that sacrifice of king Yudhishthira
of great intelligence. Many hills of food, O king, were dedicated on the
occasion. Many large tanks were seen of curds and many lakes of ghee. In
that great sacrifice, O monarch, was seen the entire population of
Jamvudwipa, with all its realms and provinces, collected together.
Thousands of nations and races were there. A large number of men, O chief
of Bharata's race, adorned with garlands and wearing bright ear-rings
made of gold, taking innumerable vessels in their hands, distributed the
food unto the regenerate classes by hundreds and thousands. The
attendants of the Pandavas gave away unto the Brahmanas diverge kinds of
food and drink which were, besides, so costly as to be worthy of being
eaten and drunk by kings themselves.'"