Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Parva 14 014


"Vaisampayana said, "With such speeches as these, was the royal saint
Yudhishthira, bereft of his friends, consoled by those sages of great
ascetic merits. And O monarch, that lord of men exhorted by the
worshipful Viswarasraba himself, and by Dwaipayana (Vyasa), Krishna
Devasthana, Narada, Bhima, Nakula, Krishna (Draupadi), Sahadeva, and the
sharpwitted Vijaya, as well as by other great men, and Brahmanas versed
in the Sastras, became relieved of all mental affliction and sorrow
arising from the death of his dear relations. And that monarch
Yudhishthira after performing the obsequial ceremonies of his departed
friends, and honouring the Brahmanas and Devas (gods), brought the
kingdom of the earth with its girdle of oceans, under his sway. And that
prince of Kuru's race having regained his kingdom, with a tranquil mind,
thus addressed Vyasa, Narada and the other sages who were present. I have
been comforted by the words of so great, ancient and aged saints as
yourselves, and I have now no cause left for the least affliction. And
likewise, I have attained great wealth, with which I may worship the
gods. Therefore, with your assistance, I shall now perform the sacrifice,
O the best of regenerate beings. We have heard that those (Himalayan)
regions are full of wonders. Therefore, O Brahmana, saint and grandsire
do thou so ordain that under thy protection we may safety reach the
Himalaya mountains, the performance of my sacrifice being entirely within
thy control, and then the adorable celestial saint Narada and Devasthana
have also addressed exquisite and well-meaning words for our well being.
No unlucky man in times of great tribulation and distress, has ever the
good fortune to secure the services of such preceptors and friends
approved by all virtuous men. Thus addressed by the king, those great
saints, bidding the king and Krishna and Arjuna to repair to the
Himalayan regions, then and there vanished in the presence of the
assembled multitude, and the king, the lordly son of Dharma, then seated
himself there for a while. And the Pandavas then in consequence of the
death of Bhishma, were engaged in performing his funeral ceremonies. And
their time, while thus engaged, seemed too long in passing and performing
the last rites to the mortal remains of Bhishma, Karna and other foremost
Kauravas, they gave away large presents to Brahmanas. And then the
foremost descendant of Kuru again performed with Dhritarashtra the
funeral rites (of the heroes slain in battle), and having given away
immense wealth to the Brahmanas, the Pandava chief with Dhritarashtra in
advance, made this entry into the city of Hastina Nagar, and consoling
his lordly uncle, possessed of eyes of wisdom, that virtuous prince
continued to administer the earth with his brothers.