Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Parva 14 053


"Vaisampayana said, 'As he of Vrishni's race was proceeding to Dwaraka,
those foremost princes of Bharata's race, those chastisers of foes
embraced him and fell back with their attendants. Phalguna repeatedly
embraced the Vrishni hero, and as long as he was within the range of
vision, he repeatedly turned his eyes towards him. With great difficulty,
the son of Pritha withdrew his gaze that had fallen on Govinda. The
unvanquished Krishna also (did the same). The indications that were
manifested on the occasion of that high-souled one's departure, I shall
now detail. Do thou listen to me. The wind blew with great speed before
the car, clearing the path of sand-grains and dust and thorns. Vasava
rained pure and fragrant showers and celestial flowers before the wielder
of Saranga. As the mighty-armed hero proceeded, he came upon the desert
ill supplied with water. There he beheld that foremost of ascetics, named
Utanka, of immeasurable energy. The hero of large eyes and great energy
worshipped that ascetic. He was then worshipped by the ascetic in return.
Vasudeva then enquired after his welfare. That foremost of Brahmanas,
viz., Utanka, politely accosted by Madhava, honoured him duly and then
addressed him in these words.--'O Saurin, having repaired to the mansions
of the Kurus and the Pandavas, hast thou succeeded in establishing a
durable understanding between them such as should exist between brothers?
It behoves thee to tell me everything. Dost thou come, O Kesava, after
having united them in peace,--them that are thy relatives and that are
ever dear to thee, O foremost one of Vrishni's race? Will the five sons
of Pandu, and the children of Dhritarashtra, O scorcher of foes, sport in
the world in joy with thee? Will all the kings enjoy happiness in their
respective kingdoms, in consequence of the pacification of the Kauravas
brought about by thee? Has that trust, O son, which I had always reposed
on thee, borne fruit with regard to the Kauravas?'

"The blessed and holy one said, 'I strove my best at first, for bringing
about a good understanding, in regard to the Kauravas. When I could not
by any means succeed in establishing them on peace, it happened that all
of them, with their relatives and kinsmen, met with death. It is
impossible to transgress destiny by either intelligence or might. O great
Rishi, O sinless one, this also cannot be unknown to thee. They (the
Kauravas) transgressed the counsels which Bhishma and Vidura gave them
referring to me.[168] Encountering one another they then became guests of
Yama's abode. Only the five Pandavas constitute the remnant of the
unslain, all their friends and all their children having been
slaughtered. All the sons of Dhritarashtra also with their children and
kinsmen, have been slain.' When Krishna had said these words, Utanka,
filled with wrath, and with eyes expanded in rage, addressed him in these

"Utanka said,--'Since, though able, O Krishna, thou didst not rescue
those foremost ones of Kuru's race, who were thy relatives and,
therefore, dear to thee, I shall, without doubt, curse thee. Since thou
didst not forcibly compel them to forbear, therefore, O slayer of Madhu,
I shall, filled with wrath, denounce a curse on thee. It seems, O
Madhava, that though fully able (to save them), thou wert indifferent to
these foremost of Kurus who, overwhelmed by insincerity and hypocrisy
have all met with destruction.'

"Vasudeva said, 'O scion of Bhrigu's race, listen to what I say in
detail. Do thou accept my apologies also. O thou of Bhrigu's race, thou
art an ascetic. After having heard my words relating to the soul, thou
mayst then utter thy curse. No man is able, by a little ascetic merit, to
put me down. O foremost of ascetics, I do not wish to see the destruction
of all thy penances. Thou hast a large measure of blazing penances. Thou
hast gratified thy preceptors and seniors.[169] O foremost of regenerate
ones, I know that thou hast observed the rules of Brahmacharyya from the
days of thy infancy. I do not, therefore, desire the loss or diminution
of thy penances achieved with so much pain.'"