Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Parva 14 070


"Vaisampayana said, 'When the Brahma-weapon was withdrawn by Krishna, at
that time, the laying-in room was illumined by thy father with his
energy. All the Rakshasas (that had come there) were forced to leave the
room and many of them met with destruction. In the welkin a voice was
heard, saying, 'Excellent, O Kesava, Excellent!'--The blazing
Brahma-weapon then returned to the Grandsire (of all the worlds). Thy
sire got back his life-breaths, O king. The child began to move according
to his energy and might. The Bharata ladies became filled with joy. At
the command of Govinda, the Brahmanas were made to utter benedictions.
All the ladies, filled with joy, praised Janarddana. Indeed, the wives of
those Bharata lions, viz., Kunti and Drupada's daughter and Subhadra, and
Uttara, and the wives of other lions among men, like (ship-wrecked)
persons who have reached the shore after having obtained a boat, became
exceedingly glad. Then wrestlers and actors and astrologers and those who
enquire after the slumbers (of princes), and bands of bards and eulogists
all uttered the praises of Janarddana, while uttering benedictions
fraught with the praises of the Kuru race, O chief of the Bharatas.
Uttara, rising up at the proper time, with a delighted heart and bearing
her child in her arms, reverentially saluted the delighter of the Yadus.
Rejoicing greatly, Krishna made gifts unto the child of many valuable
gems. The other chiefs of the Vrishni race, did the same. Then the
puissant Janarddana, firmly adhering to truth, bestowed a name on the
infant who was thy sire, O monarch.--'Since this child of Abhimanyu has
been born at a time when this race has become nearly extinct, let his
name be Parikshit!' Even this is what he said. Then thy father, O king,
began to grow, and gladden all the people, O Bharata. When thy father was
a month old, O hero, the Pandavas came back to their capital, bringing
with them a profusion of wealth. Hearing that the Pandavas were near,
those foremost ones of the Vrishni race went out. The citizens decked the
city called after the elephant with garlands of flowers in profusions,
with beautiful pennons and standards of diverse kinds. The citizens also,
O king, adorned their respective mansions. Desirous of doing what was
beneficial to the sons of Pandu, Vidura ordered diverse kinds of worship
to be offered to the deities established in their respective temples. The
principal streets of the city were adorned with flowers. Indeed, the city
was filled with the hum of thousands of voices which resembled the
softened roar of distant ocean waves. With dancers all engaged in their
vocation, and with the voice of singers, the (Kuru) city then resembled
the mansion of Vaisravana himself.[186] Bards and eulogists, O king,
accompanied by beautiful women were seen to adorn diverse retired spots
in the city. The pennons were caused by the wind to float gaily on every
part of the city, as if bent upon showing the Kurus the southern and the
northern points of the compass. All the officers also of the government
loudly proclaimed that that was to be a day of rejoicing for the entire
kingdom as an indication of the success of the enterprise for bringing a
profusion of gems and other valuables.'"[187]