Friday, July 18, 2014

Parva 03 194


Markandeya continued, "Listen now to another story. One day as king
Yayati, the son of Nahusha, was sitting on his throne, surrounded by the
citizens, there came unto him a Brahmana desirous of soliciting wealth
for his preceptor, and approaching the king, the Brahmana said, 'O king,
I beg of you wealth for my preceptor according to my covenant.' And the
king said, 'O Holy One, tell me what your covenant is.' And thereupon the
Brahmana said, 'O king, in this world when men are asked for alms, they
entertain contempt for him that asketh it. I therefore, ask thee, O king,
with what feelings you wilt give me what I ask and upon which I have set
my heart.' And the king replied saying, 'Having given away a thing, I
never boast of it. I never also listen to solicitations for things that
cannot be given. I listen, however, to prayers for things that can be
given and giving them away I always become happy. I will give you a
thousand kine. The Brahmana that asks me for a gift is always dear to me.
I am never angry with the person that begs of me and I am never sorry for
having given away a thing!' And the Brahmana then obtained from the king
a thousand kine and went away."

--------------------END OF PARVA 3 : UPA-PARVA 194 ---------------------