(Pativrata-mahatmya Parva)
"Yudhishthira said, 'O mighty sage, I do not so much grieve for myself or
these my brothers or the loss of my kingdom as I do for this daughter of
Drupada. When we were afflicted at the game of the dice by those
wicked-souled ones, it was Krishna that delivered us. And she was
forcibly carried off from the forest by Jayadratha. Hast you even seen
or heard of any chaste and exalted lady that resembleth this daughter of
"Markandeya said, 'Listen, O king, how the exalted merit of chaste
ladies, O Yudhishthira, was completely obtained by a princess named
Savitri. There was a king among the Madras, who was virtuous and highly
pious. And he always ministered unto the Brahmanas, and was high-souled
and firm in promise. And he was of subdued senses and given to
sacrifices. And he was the foremost of givers, and was able, and beloved
by both the citizens and the rural population. And the name of that lord
of Earth was Aswapati. And he was intent on the welfare of all beings.
And that forgiving (monarch) of truthful speech and subdued senses was
without issue. And when he got old, he was stricken with grief at this.
And with the object of raising offspring, he observed rigid vows and
began to live upon frugal fare, having recourse to the Brahmacharya mode
of life, and restraining his senses. And that best of kings, (daily)
offering ten thousand oblations to the fire, recited Mantras in honour of
Savitri[106] and ate temperately at the sixth hour. And he passed
eighteen years, practising such vows. Then when the eighteen years were
full, Savitri was pleased (with him). And O king, issuing with great
delight, in embodied form, from the Agnihotra fire, the goddess showed
herself to that king. And intent on conferring boons, she spoke these
words unto the monarch, 'I have been gratified, O king, with thy
Brahmacharya practices, your purity and self-restraint and observance of
vows, and all your endeavours and veneration! Do thou, O mighty king. O
Aswapati, ask for the boon that you desirest! Thou ought, however, by no
means show any disregard for virtue.' Thereat Aswapati said, 'It is with
the desire of attaining virtue that I have been engaged in this task. O
goddess, may many sons be born unto me worthy of my race! If you art
pleased with me, O goddess, I ask for this boon. The twice-born ones have
assured me that great merit lieth in having offspring!' Savitri replied,
'O king, having already learnt this your intention, I had spoken unto that
lord, the Grandsire, about your sons. Through the favour granted by the
Self-create, there shall speedily be born unto you on earth a daughter
of great energy. It behoveth you not to make any reply. Well-pleased, I
tell you this at the command of the Grandsire.'
"Markandeya said, 'Having accepted Savitri's words and saying, 'So be
it!' the king again gratified her and said, 'May this happen soon!' On
Savitri vanishing away, the monarch entered his own city. And that hero
began to live in his kingdom, ruling his subjects righteously. And when
some time had elapsed, that king, observant of vows, begat offspring on
his eldest queen engaged in the practice of virtue. And then, O bull of
the Bharata race, the embryo in the womb of the princess of Malava
increased like the lord of stars in the heavens during the lighted
fortnight. And when the time came, she brought forth a daughter furnished
with lotus-like eyes. And that best of monarchs, joyfully performed the
usual ceremonies on her behalf. And as she had been bestowed with delight
by the goddess Savitri by virtue of the oblations offered in honour of
that goddess, both her father, and the Brahmanas named her Savitri. And
the king's daughter grew like unto Sree herself in an embodied form. And
in due time, that damsel attained her puberty. And beholding that
graceful maiden of slender waist and ample hips, and resembling a golden
image, people thought, 'We have received a goddess.' And overpowered by
her energy, none could wed that girl of eyes like lotus-leaves, and
possessed of a burning splendour.'
'And it came to pass that once on the occasion of a parva, having fasted
and bathed her head, she presented herself before the (family) deity and
caused the Brahmanas to offer oblations with due rites to the sacrificial
fire. And taking the flowers that had been offered to the god, that lady,
beautiful as Sree herself, went to her high-souled sire. And having
reverenced the feet of her father and offering him the flowers she had
brought, that maiden of exceeding grace, with joined hands, stood at the
side of the king. And seeing his own daughter resembling a celestial
damsel arrived at puberty, and unsought by people, the king became sad.
And the king said, 'Daughter, the time for bestowing you is come! Yet
none asketh thee. Do you (therefore) thyself seek for a husband equal to
thee in qualities! That person who may be desired by you should be
notified to me. Do you choose for your husband as you listest. I shall
bestow you with deliberation. Do thou, O auspicious one, listen to me as
I tell you the words which I heard recited by the twice-born ones. The
father that doth not bestow his daughter cometh by disgrace. And the
husband that knoweth not his wife in her season meeteth with disgrace.
And the son that doth not protect his mother when her husband is dead,
also suffereth disgrace. Hearing these words of mine, do you engage
thyself in search of a husband. Do you act in such a way that we may not
be censured by the gods!'
"Markandeya said, 'Having said these words to his daughter and his old
counsellors, he instructed the attendants to follow her, saying,--Go!
Thereat, bashfully bowing down unto her father's feet, the meek maid went
out without hesitation, in compliance with the words of her sire. And
ascending a golden car, she went to the delightful asylum of the royal
sages, accompanied by her father's aged counsellors. There, O son,
worshipping the feet of the aged ones, she gradually began to roam over
all the woods. Thus the king's daughter distributing wealth in all sacred
regions, ranged the various places belonging to the foremost of the
twice-born ones.'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 3 : UPA-PARVA 291 ---------------------