Sunday, July 20, 2014

Parva 03 292


"Markandeya continued, 'On one occasion, O Bharata, when that king, the
lord of the Madras, was seated with Narada in the midst of his court,
engaged in conversation, Savitri, accompanied by the king's counsellors,
came to her father's abode after having visited various sacred regions
and asylums. And beholding her father seated with Narada, she worshipped
the feet of both by bending down her head. And Narada then said, 'Whither
had this your daughter gone? And, O king, whence also doth she come? Why
also dost you not bestow her on a husband, now that she hath arrived at
the age of puberty?' Aswapati answered, saying, 'Surely it was on this
very business that she had been sent, and she returneth now (from her
search). Do thou, O celestial sage, listen, even from her as to the
husband she hath chosen herself!'

"Markandeya continued, 'Then the blessed maid, commanded by her father
with the words,--Relate everything in detail,--regarded those words of
her sire as if they were those of a god, and spoke unto him thus, 'There
was, amongst the Salwas, a virtuous Kshatriya king known by the name of
Dyumatsena. And it came to pass that in course of time he became blind.
And that blind king possessed of wisdom had an only son. And it so
happened that an old enemy dwelling in the vicinity, taking advantage of
the king's mishap, deprived him of his kingdom. And thereupon the
monarch, accompanied by his wife bearing a child on her breast, went into
the woods. And having retired into the forests, he adopted great vows and
began to practise ascetic austerities. And his son, born in the city,
began to grow in the hermitage. That youth, fit to be my husband, I have
accepted in my heart for my lord!' At these words of hers, Narada said,
'Alas, O king, Savitri hath committed a great wrong, since, not knowing,
she hath accepted for her lord this Satyavan of excellent qualities! His
father speaketh the truth and his mother also is truthful in her speech.
And it is for this that the Brahmanas have named the son Satyavan. In his
childhood he took great delight in horses, and used to make horses of
clay. And he used also to draw pictures of horses. And for this that
youth is sometimes called by the name of Chitraswa.' The king then asked,
'And is prince Satyavan, who is devoted to his father, endued with energy
and intelligence and forgiveness and courage?' Narada replied, saying,
'In energy Satyavan is like unto the sun, and in wisdom like unto
Vrihaspati! And he is brave like unto the lord of the celestials and
forgiving like unto the Earth herself!' Aswapati then said, 'And is the
prince Satyavan liberal in gifts and devoted to the Brahmanas? Is he
handsome and magnanimous and lovely to behold?' Narada said, 'In bestowal
of gifts according to his power, the mighty son of Dyumatsena is like
unto Sankriti's son Rantideva. In truthfulness of speech and devotion
unto Brahmanas, he is like Sivi, the son of Usinara. And he is
magnanimous like Yayati, and beautiful like the Moon. And in beauty of
person he is like either of the twin Aswins. And with senses under
control, he is meek, and brave, and truthful! And with passion in
subjection he is devoted to his friends, and free from malice and modest
and patient. Indeed, briefly speaking, they that are possessed of great
ascetic merit and are of exalted character say that he is always correct
in his conduct and that honour is firmly seated on his brow.' Hearing
this, Aswapati said, 'O reverend sage, you tellest me that he is
possessed of every virtue! Do you now tell me his defects if, indeed, he
hath any!' Narada then said, 'He hath one only defect that hath
overwhelmed all his virtues. That defect is incapable of being conquered
by even the greatest efforts. He hath only one defect, and no other.
Within a year from this day, Satyavan, endued with a short life will cast
off his body!' Hearing these words of the sage, the king said, 'Come, O
Savitri, go you and choose another for your lord, O beautiful damsel!
That one great defect (in this youth) existeth, covering all his merits.
The illustrious Narada honoured by even the gods, sayeth, that Satyavan
will have to cast off his body within a year, his days being numbered!'
At these words of her father, Savitri said, 'The death can fall but once;
a daughter can be given away but one; and once only can a person say, I
give away! These three things can take place only once. Indeed, with a
life short or long, possessed of virtues or bereft of them, I have, for
once, selected my husband. Twice I shall not select. Having first settled
a thing mentally, it is expressed in words, and then it is carried out
into practice. Of this my mind is an example!' Narada then said, 'O best
of men, the heart of your daughter Savitri wavereth not! It is not
possible by any means to make her swerve from this path of virtue! In no
other person are those virtues that dwell in Satyavan. The bestowal of
thy daughter, therefore, is approved by me!' The king said, 'What thou
hast said, O illustrious one, should never be disobeyed, for your words
are true! And I shall act as you hast said, since you are my
preceptor!' Narada said, 'May the bestowal of your daughter Savitri be
attended with peace! I shall now depart. Blessed be all of ye!'

"Markandeya continued, 'Having said this, Narada rose up into the sky and
went to heaven. On the other hand, the king began to make preparations
for his daughter's wedding!'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 3 : UPA-PARVA 292 ---------------------