"Markandeya said, 'O bull of the Bharata race, even Rama suffered
unparalleled misery, for the evil-minded Ravana, king of the Rakshasas,
having recourse to deceit and overpowering the vulture Jatayu, forcibly
carried away his wife Sita from his asylum in the woods. Indeed, Rama,
with the help of Sugriva, brought her back, constructing a bridge across
the sea, and consuming Lanka with his keen-edged arrows.'
"Yudhishthira said, 'In what race was Rama born and what was the measure
of his might and prowess? Whose son also was Ravana and for what was it
that he had any misunderstanding with Rama? It behoveth thee, O
illustrious one, to tell me all this in detail; for I long to hear the
story of Rama of great achievements!'
"Markandeya said, 'Listen, O prince of Bharata's race, to this old
history exactly as it happened! I will tell you all about the distress
suffered by Rama together with his wife. There was a great king named Aja
sprung from me race of Ikshwaku. He had a son named Dasaratha who was
devoted to the study of the Vedas and was ever pure. And Dasaratha had
four sons conversant with morality and profit known by the names,
respectively, of Rama, Lakshmana, Satrughna, and the mighty Bharata. And
Rama had for his mother Kausalya, and Bharata had for his mother Kaikeyi,
while those scourge of their enemies Lakshmana and Satrughna were the
sons of Sumitra. And Janaka was the king of Videha, and Sita was his
daughter. And Tashtri himself created her, desiring to make her the
beloved wife of Rama. I have now told you the history of both Rama's and
Sita's birth. And now, O king, I will relate unto you birth of Ravana.
That Lord of all creatures and the Creator of the Universe viz., the
Self-create Prajapati himself--that god possessed of great ascetic
merit--is the grandfather of Ravana. And Pulastya hath a mighty son
called Vaisravana begotten of a cow. But his son, leaving his father,
went to his grandfather. And, O king, angered at this, his father then
created a second self of himself. And with half of his own self that
regenerate one became born of Visrava for wrecking a vengeance on
Vaisravana. But the Grandsire, pleased with Vaisravana, gave him
immortality, and sovereignty of all the wealth of the Universe, the
guardianship of one of the cardinal points, the friendship of Isana, and
a son named Nalakuvera. And he also gave him for his capital Lanka, which
was guarded by hosts of Rakshasas, and also a chariot called Pushpaka
capable of going everywhere according to the will of the rider. And the
kingship of the Yakshas and the sovereignty over sovereigns were also
--------------------END OF PARVA 3 : UPA-PARVA 272 ---------------------