Janamejaya said, 'After having delivered Duryodhana, what did the mighty
sons of Pandu do in that forest? It behoveth you to tell me this.'
Vaisampayana said, "Once on a time, as Yudhishthira lay down at night in
the Dwaita woods, some deer, with accents choked in tears, presented
themselves before him in his dreams. To them standing with joined hands,
their bodies trembling all over that foremost of monarchs said, 'Tell me
what the wish to say. Who are ye? And what do the desire?' Thus accosted by
Kunti's son--the illustrious Pandava, those deer, the remnant of those
that had been slaughtered, replied unto him, saying, 'We are, O Bharata,
those deer that are still alive after them that had been slaughtered. We
shall be exterminated totally. Therefore, do you change your residence. O
mighty king, all your brothers are heroes, conversant with weapons; they
have thinned the ranks of the rangers of the forest. We few--the
remnants,--O mighty-minded one, remain like seed. By your favour, O king
of kings, let us increase.' Seeing these deer, which remained like seed
after the rest had been destroyed trembling and afflicted with fear,
Yudhishthira the just was greatly affected with grief. And the king,
intent on the welfare of all creatures, said unto them, 'So be it. I
shall act as the have said.' Awaking after such a vision, that excellent
king, moved by pity towards the deer, thus spake unto his brothers
assembled there, 'Those deer that are alive after them that have been
slaughtered, accosted me at night, after I had awakened, saying, 'We
remain like the cues of our lines. Blest be thou! Do you have compassion
on us.' And they have spoken truly. We ought to feel pity for the
dwellers of the forest. We have been feeding on them for a year together
and eight months. Let us, therefore, again (repair) to the romantic
Kamyakas, that best of forests abounding in wild animals, situated at the
head of the desert, near lake Trinavindu. And there let us pleasantly
pass the rest of our time.' Then, O king, the Pandavas versed in
morality, swiftly departed (thence), accompanied by the Brahmanas and all
those that lived with them, and followed by Indrasena and other
retainers. And proceeding along the roads walked (by travellers),
furnished with excellent corn and clear water, they at length beheld the
sacred asylum of Kamyaka endued with ascetic merit. And as pious men
enter the celestial regions, those foremost of the Bharata race, the
Kauravas, surrounded by those bulls among Brahmanas entered that forest."
--------------------END OF PARVA 3 : UPA-PARVA 256 ---------------------