Sunday, July 20, 2014

Parva 03 296


"Markandeya said, 'Meanwhile the mighty Dyumatsena, having regained his
sight, could see everything. And when his vision grew clear he saw
everything around him. And, O bull of the Bharata race, proceeding with
his wife Saivya to all the (neighbouring) asylums in search of his son,
he became extremely distressed on his account. And that night the old
couple went about searching in asylums, and rivers, and woods, and
floods. And whenever they heard any sound, they stood rising their heads,
anxiously thinking that their son was coming, and said, 'O yonder cometh
Satyavan with Savitri!' And they rushed hither and thither like maniacs,
their feet torn, cracked, wounded, and bleeding, pierced with thorns and
Kusa blades. Then all the Brahmanas dwelling in that hermitage came unto
them, and surrounding them on all sides, comforted them, and brought them
back to their own asylum. And there Dyumatsena with his wife surrounded
by aged ascetics, was entertained with stories of monarchs of former
times. And although that old couple desirous of seeing their son, was
comforted, yet recollecting the youthful days of their son, they became
exceedingly sorry. And afflicted with grief, they began to lament in
piteous accents, saying, 'Alas, O son, alas, O chaste daughter-in-law,
where are you?' Then a truthful Brahmana of the name of Suvarchas spake
unto them, saying, 'Considering the austerities, self-restraint, and
behaviour of his wife Savitri, there can be no doubt that Satyavan
liveth!' And Gautama said, 'I have studied all the Vedas with their
branches, and I have acquired great ascetic merit. And I have led a
celibate existence, practising also the Brahmacharya mode of life. I have
gratified Agni and my superiors. With rapt soul I have also observed all
the vows: and I have according to the ordinance, frequently lived upon
air alone. By virtue of this ascetic merit, I am cognisant of all the
doings of others. Therefore, do you take it for certain that Satyavan
liveth.' Thereupon his disciple said, 'The words that have fallen from
the lips of my preceptor can never be false. Therefore, Satyavan surely
liveth.' And the Rishi said, 'Considering the auspicious marks that his
wife Savitri beareth and all of which indicate immunity from widowhood,
there can be no doubt that Satyavan liveth!' And Varadwaja said, 'Having
regard to the ascetic merit, self-restraint, and conduct of his wife
Savitri, there can be no doubt that Satyavan liveth.' And Dalbhya said,
'Since you hast regained your sight, and since Savitri hath gone away
after completion of the vow, without taking any food, there can be no
doubt that Satyavan liveth.' And Apastamba said, 'From the manner in
which the voices of birds and wild animals are being heard through the
stillness of the atmosphere on all sides, and from the fact also of thy
having regained the use of your eyes, indicating your usefulness for
earthly purposes once more, there can be no doubt that Satyavan liveth.'
And Dhauma said, 'As your son is graced with every virtue, and as he is
the beloved of all, and as he is possessed of marks betokening a long
life, there can be no doubt that Satyavan liveth.'

"Markandeya continued, 'Thus cheered by those ascetics of truthful
speech, Dyumatsena pondering over those points, attained a little ease. A
little while after, Savitri with her husband Satyavan reached the
hermitage during the night and entered it with a glad heart. The
Brahmanas then said, 'Beholding this meeting with your son, and thy
restoration to eye-sight, we all wish you well, O lord of earth. Thy
meeting with your son, the sight of your daughter-in-law, and thy
restoration to sight--constitute a threefold prosperity which you hast
gained. What we all have said must come to pass: there can be no doubt of
this. Henceforth you shalt rapidly grow in prosperity.' Then, O Pritha's
son, the twice-born ones lighted a fire and sat themselves down before
king Dyumatsena. And Saivya, and Satyavan, and Savitri who stood apart,
their hearts free from grief, sat down with the permission of them all.
Then, O Partha, seated with the monarch those dwellers of the woods,
actuated by curiosity, asked the king's son, saying, 'Why didst you not,
O illustrious one, come back earlier with your wife? Why hast you come so
late in the night? What obstacle prevented thee! We do not know, O son of
a king, why you hast caused such alarm to us, and to your father and
mother. It behoveth you to tell us all about this,' Thereupon, Satyavan
said, 'With the permission of my father, I went to the woods with
Savitri. There, as I was hewing wood in the forest, I felt a pain in my
head. And in consequence of the pain, I fell into a deep sleep.--This is
all that I remember. I had never slept so long before I have come so late
at night, in order that the might not grieve (on my account). There is no
other reason for this.' Gautama then said, 'Thou knowest not then the
cause of your father's sudden restoration to sight. It, therefore,
behoveth Savitri to relate it. I wish to hear it (from thee), for surely
thou are conversant with the mysteries of good and evil. And, O Savitri,
I know you to be like the goddess Savitri herself in splendour. Thou
must know the cause of this. Therefore, do you relate it truly! If it
should not be kept a secret, do you unfold it unto us!' At these words
of Gautama Savitri said, 'It is as the surmise. Your desire shall surely
not be unfulfilled. I have no secret to keep. Listen to the truth then!
The high-souled Narada had predicted the death of my husband. To-day was
the appointed time. I could not, therefore, bear to be separated from my
husband's company. And after he had fallen asleep, Yama, accompanied by
his messengers, presented himself before him, and tying him, began to
take him away towards the region inhabited by the Pitris. Thereupon I
began to praise that august god, with truthful words. And he granted me
five boons, of which do the hear from me! For my father-in-law I have
obtained these two boons, viz., his restoration to sight as also to his
kingdom. My father also hath obtained a hundred sons. And I myself have
obtained a hundred sons. And my husband Satyavan hath obtained a life of
four hundred years. It was for the sake of my husband's life that I had
observed that vow. Thus have I narrated unto you in detail the cause by
which this mighty misfortune of mine was afterwards turned into
happiness. The Rishis said, 'O chaste lady of excellent disposition,
observant of vows and endued with virtue, and sprung from an illustrious
line, by you hath the race of this foremost of kings, which was
overwhelmed with calamities, and was sinking in an ocean of darkness,
been rescued.'

"Markandeya continued, 'Then having applauded and reverenced that best of
women, those Rishis there assembled bade farewell to that foremost of
kings as well as to his son. And having saluted them thus, they speedily
went, in peace with cheerful hearts, to their respective abodes.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 3 : UPA-PARVA 296 ---------------------