Sunday, July 20, 2014

Parva 03 265


Vaisampayana said, "O Bharata, Kotikakhya related to those princes who
had been waiting, all that had passed between him and Krishna. And
hearing Kotikakhya's words, Jayadratha said to that scion of the race of
Sivi, 'Having listened only to her speech, my heart has been lovingly
inclined towards that ornament of womankind. Why therefore, hast thou
returned (thus unsuccessful)? I tell you truly, O you of mighty arms,
that having once seen this lady, other women now seem to me like so many
monkeys. I having looked at her, she has captivated my heart. Do tell me,
O Saivya, if that excellent lady is of the human kind.' Kotika replied,
'This lady is the famous princess Krishna, the daughter of Drupada, and
the celebrated wife of the five sons of Pandu. She is the much esteemed
and beloved and chaste wife of the sons of Pritha. Taking her with thee,
do you proceed towards Sauvira!'"

Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus addressed, the evil-minded Jayadratha, the
king of Sindhu, Sauvira and other countries, said, 'I must see Draupadi.'
And with six other men he entered that solitary hermitage, like a wolf
entering the den of a lion. And he said unto Krishna, 'Hail to thee,
excellent lady! Are your husbands well and those, besides, whose
prosperity you always wishest.' Draupadi replied, 'Kunti's son king
Yudhishthira of the race of Kuru, his brothers, myself, and all those of
whom you hast enquired of, are well. Is everything right with thy
kingdom, your government, exchequer, and your army? Art thou, as sole
ruler, governing with justice the rich countries of Saivya, Sivi, Sindhu
and others that you hast brought under your sway? Do thou, O prince,
accept this water for washing your feet. Do you also take this seat. I
offer you fifty animals for your train's breakfast. Besides these,
Yudhishthira himself, the son of Kunti, will give you porcine deer and
Nanku deer, and does, and antelopes, and Sarabhas, and rabbits, and Ruru
deer, and bears, and Samvara deer and gayals and many other animals,
besides wild boars and buffaloes and other animals of the quadruped
tribe.' Hearing this Jayadratha replied, saying, 'All is well with me. By
offering to provide our breakfast, you hast in a manner actually done
it. Come now and ride my chariot and be completely happy. For it becomes
not you to have any regard for the miserable sons of Pritha who are
living in the woods, whose energies have been paralysed, whose kingdom
hath been snatched and whose fortunes are at the lowest ebb. A woman of
sense like you doth not attach herself to a husband that is poor. She
should follow her lord when he is in prosperity but abandon him when in
adversity. The sons of Pandu have for ever fallen away from their high
state, and have lost their kingdom for all time to come. Thou hast no
need, therefore, to partake of their misery from any regard for them.
Therefore, O you of beautiful hips, forsaking the sons of Pandu, be
happy by becoming my wife, and share you with me the kingdoms of Sindhu
and Sauvira.'"

Vaisampayana continued, "Hearing these frightful words of the king of
Sindhu, Krishna retired from that place, her face furrowed into a frown
owing to the contraction of her eye-brows. But disregarding his words
from supreme contempt, the slender-waisted Krishna reproving said unto
the king of Sindhu, 'Speak not thus again! Art you not ashamed? Be on
thy guard!' And that lady of irreproachable character anxiously expecting
the return of her husband, began, with long speeches, to beguile him

--------------------END OF PARVA 3 : UPA-PARVA 265 ---------------------