"Dhritarashtra said, 'Kicked at the head, his thighs broken, prostrated
on the ground, exceedingly proud, what, O Sanjaya, did my son then say?
King Duryodhana was exceedingly wrathful and his hostility to the sons of
Pandu was deep-rooted. When therefore this great calamity overtook him,
what did he next say on the field?'
"Sanjaya said, 'Listen to me, O monarch, as I describe to you what
happened. Listen, O king, to what Duryodhana said when overtaken by
calamity. With his thighs broken, the king, O monarch, covered with dust,
gathered his flowing locks, casting his eyes on all sides. Having with
difficulty gathered his locks, he began to sigh like a snake. Filled with
rage and with tears flowing fast from his eyes, he looked at me. He
struck his arms against the Earth for a while like an infuriated
elephant. Shaking his loose locks, and gnashing his teeth, he began to
censure the eldest son of Pandu. Breathing heavily, he then addressed me,
saying, "Alas, I who had Santanu's son Bhishma for my protector, and
Karna, that foremost of all wielders of weapons and Gotama's son,
Shakuni, and Drona, that first of all wielders of arms, and Ashvatthama,
and the heroic Shalya, and Kritavarma, alas, even I have come to this
plight! It seems that Time is irresistible! I was the lord of eleven
Chamus of troops and yet I have come to this plight! O mighty-armed one,
no one can rise superior to Time! Those of my side that have escaped with
life from this battle should be informed, how I have been struck down by
Bhimasena in contravention of the rules of fair fight! Many have been the
very unfair and sinful acts that have been perpetrated towards
Bhurishrava, and Bhishma, and Drona of great prosperity! This is another
very infamous act that the cruel Pandavas have perpetrated, for which, I
am certain, they will incur the condemnation of all righteous men! What
pleasure can a righteously disposed person enjoy at having gained a
victory by unfair acts? What wise man, again, is there that would accord
his approbation to a person contravening the rules of fairness? What
learned man is there that would rejoice after having won victory by
unrighteousness as that sinful wretch, Vrikodara the son of Pandu,
rejoices? What can be more amazing than this, that Bhimasena in wrath
should with his foot touch the head of one like me while lying with my
thighs broken? Is that person, O Sanjaya, worthy of honour who behaveth
thus towards a man possessed of glory endued with prosperity, living in
the midst of friends? My parents are not ignorant of the duties of
battle. Instructed by me, O Sanjaya, tell them that are afflicted with
grief these words: I have performed sacrifices, supported a large number
of servants properly, governed the whole earth with her seas! I stayed on
the heads of my living foes! I gave wealth to my kinsmen to the extent of
my abilities, and I did what was agreeable to friends. I withstood all my
foes. Who is there that is more fortunate than myself? I have made
progresses through hostile kingdoms and commanded kings as slaves. I have
acted handsomely towards all I loved and liked. Who is there more
fortunate than myself? I honoured all my kinsmen and attended to the
welfare of all my dependants. I have attended to the three ends of human
existence, Religion, Profit, and Pleasure! Who is there more fortunate
than myself? I laid my commands on great kings, and honour, unattainable
by others, was mine, I always made my journeys on the very best of
steeds. Who is there more fortunate than myself? I studied the Vedas and
made gifts according to the ordinance. My life has passed in happiness.
By observance of the duties of my own order, I have earned many regions
of blessedness hereafter. Who is there more fortunate than myself? By
good luck, I have not been vanquished in battle and subjected to the
necessity of serving my foes as masters. By good luck, O lord, it is only
after my death that my swelling prosperity abandons me for waiting upon
another! That which is desired by good Kshatriyas observant of the duties
of their order, that death, is obtained by me! Who is there so fortunate
as myself? By good luck, I did not suffer myself to be turned away from
the path of hostility and to be vanquished like an ordinary person! By
good luck, I have not been vanquished after I had done some base act!
Like the slaughter of a person that is asleep or that is heedless, like
the slaughter of one by the administration of poison, my slaughter hath
taken place, for I have been slain as unrighteously, in contravention of
the rules of fair fight! The highly blessed Ashvatthama, and Kritavarma
of the Satwata race, and Saradwat's son Kripa, should be told these words
of mine, 'You should never repose any confidence upon the Pandavas, those
violators of rules, who have perpetrated many unrighteous acts!' After
this, your royal son of true prowess addressed our message-bearers in
these words, "I have, in battle, been slain by Bhimasena most
unrighteously! I am now like a moneyless wayfarer and shall follow in the
wake of Drona who has already gone to heaven, of Karna and Shalya, of
Vrishasena of great energy, of Shakuni the son of Subala, of Jalasandha
of great valour, of king Bhagadatta, of Somadatta's son, that mighty
bowman, of Jayadratha, the king of the Sindhus, of all my brothers headed
by Duhshasana and equal unto myself, of Duhshasana's son of great
prowess, and of Lakshmana, my son, and thousands of others that fought
for me. Alas how shall my sister, stricken with woe, live sorrowfully,
after hearing of the slaughter of her brothers and her husband! Alas,
what shall be the plight of the old king, my sire, with Gandhari, and his
daughters-in-law and grand-daughters-in-law! Without doubt, the beautiful
and large-eyed mother of Lakshmana, made sonless and husbandless, will
soon meet with her death! If Charvaka, the mendicant devotee who is a
master of speech, learns everything, that blessed man will certainly
avenge himself of my death! By dying upon the sacred field of
Samantapanchaka, celebrated over the three worlds, I shall certainly
obtain many eternal regions!" Then, O sire, thousands of men, with eyes
full of tears, fled away in all directions, having heard these
lamentations of the king. The whole Earth, with her forests and seas,
with all her mobile and immobile creatures, began to tremble violently,
and produce a loud noise. All the points of the compass became murky. The
messengers, repairing to Drona's son, represented to him all that had
happened regarding the conduct of the mace-encounter and the fall of the
king. Having represented everything unto Drona's son, O Bharata, all of
them remained in a thoughtful mood for a long while and then went away,
grief-stricken, to the place they came from.'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 9 : UPA-PARVA 64 ---------------------