Friday, January 2, 2015

Parva 09 055


Vaishampayana said, "Even thus, O Janamejaya, did that terrible battle
take place. King Dhritarashtra, in great sorrow, said these words with
reference to it:

"Dhritarashtra said, 'Beholding Rama approach that spot when the
mace-fight was about to happen, how, O Sanjaya, did my son fight Bhima?'

"Sanjaya said, 'Beholding the presence of Rama, your valiant son,
Duryodhana of mighty arms, desirous of battle, became full of joy. Seeing
the hero of the plough, king Yudhishthira, O Bharata, stood up and duly
honoured him, feeling great joy the while. He gave him a seat and
enquired about his welfare. Rama then answered Yudhishthira in these
sweet and righteous words that were highly beneficial to heroes, "I have
heard it said by the Rishis, O best of kings, that Kurukshetra is a
highly sacred and sin-cleansing spot, equal to heaven itself, adored by
gods and Rishis and high-souled Brahmanas! Those men that cast off their
bodies while engaged in battle on this field, are sure to reside, O sire,
in heaven with Shakra himself! I shall, for this, O king, speedily
proceed to Samantapanchaka. In the world of gods that spot is known as
the northern (sacrificial) altar of Brahman, the Lord of all creatures!
He that dies in battle on that eternal and most sacred of spots in the
three worlds, is sure to obtain heaven!" Saying, "So be it," O monarch,
Kunti's brave son, the lord Yudhishthira, proceeded towards
Samantapanchaka. King Duryodhana also, taking up his gigantic mace,
wrathfully proceeded on foot with the Pandavas. While proceeding thus,
armed with mace and clad in armour, the celestials in the welkin
applauded him, saying, "Excellent, Excellent!" The Charanas fleet as air,
seeing the Kuru king, became filled with delight. Surrounded by the
Pandavas, your son, the Kuru king, proceeded, assuming the tread of an
infuriated elephant. All the points of the compass were filled with the
blare of conchs and the loud peals of drums and the leonine roars of
heroes. Proceeding with face westwards to the appointed spot, with thy
son (in their midst), they scattered themselves on every side when they
reached it. That was an excellent tirtha on the southern side of the
Sarasvati. The ground there was not sandy and was, therefore, selected
for the encounter. Clad in armour, and armed with his mace of gigantic
thickness, Bhima, O monarch, assumed the form of the mighty Garuda. With
head-gear fastened on his head, and wearing an armour made of gold,
licking the corners of his mouth, O monarch, with eyes red in wrath, and
breathing hard, your son, on that field, O king, looked resplendent like
the golden Sumeru. Taking up his mace, king Duryodhana of great energy,
casting his glances on Bhimasena, challenged him to the encounter like an
elephant challenging a rival elephant. Similarly, the valiant Bhima,
taking up his adamantine mace, challenged the king like a lion
challenging a lion. Duryodhana and Bhima, with uplifted maces, looked in
that bottle like two mountains with tall summits. Both of them were
exceedingly angry; both were possessed of awful prowess; in encounters
with the mace both were disciples of Rohini's intelligent son, both
resembled each other in their feats and looked like Maya and Vasava. Both
were endued with great strength, both resembled Varuna in achievements.
Each resembling Vasudeva, or Rama, or Visravana's son (Ravana), they
looked, O monarch, like Madhu and Kaitabha. Each like the other in feats,
they looked like Sunda and Upasunda, or Rama and Ravana, or Vali and
Sugriva. Those two scorchers of foes looked like Kala and Mrityu. They
then ran towards each other like two infuriated elephants, swelling with
pride and mad with passion in the season of autumn and longing for the
companionship of a she-elephant in her time. Each seemed to vomit upon
the other the poison of his wrath like two fiery snakes. Those two
chastisers of foes cast the angriest of glances upon each other. Both
were tigers of Bharata's race, and each was possessed of great prowess.
In encounters with the mace, those two scorchers of foes were invincible
like lions. Indeed, O bull of Bharata's race, inspired with desire of
victory, they looked like two infuriated elephants. Those heroes were
unbearable, like two tigers accoutred with teeth and claws. They were
like two uncrossable oceans lashed into fury and bent upon the
destruction of creatures, or like two angry Suns risen for consuming
everything. Those two mighty car-warriors looked like an Eastern and a
Western cloud agitated by the wind, roaring awfully and pouring torrents
of rain in the rainy season. Those two high-souled and mighty heroes,
both possessed of great splendour and effulgence, looked like two Suns
risen at the hour of the universal dissolution. Looking like two enraged
tigers or like two roaring masses of clouds, they became as glad as two
maned lions. Like two angry elephants or two blazing fires, those two
high-souled ones appeared like two mountains with tall summits. With lips
swelling with rage and casting keen glances upon each other, those two
high-souled and best of men, armed with maces, encountered each other.
Both were filled with joy, and each regarded the other as a worthy
opponent, and Vrikodara then resembled two goodly steeds neighing at each
other, or two elephants trumpeting at each other. Those two foremost of
men then looked resplendent like a couple of Daityas swelling with might.
Then Duryodhana, O monarch, said these proud words unto Yudhishthira in
the midst of his brothers and of the high-souled Krishna and Rama of
immeasurable energy, 'Protected by the Kaikeyas and the Srinjayas and the
high-souled Pancalas, behold the with all those foremost of kings, seated
together, this battle that is about to take place between me and Bhima!'
Hearing these words of Duryodhana, they did as requested. Then that large
concourse of kings sat down and was seen to look resplendent like a
conclave of celestials in heaven. In the midst of that concourse the
mighty-armed and handsome elder brother of Keshava, O monarch, as he sat
down, was worshipped by all around him. In the midst of those kings,
Valadeva clad in blue robes and possessed of a fair complexion, looked
beautiful like the moon at full surrounded in the night by thousands of
stars. Meanwhile those two heroes, O monarch, both armed with maces and
both unbearable by foes, stood there, goading each other with fierce
speeches. Having addressed each other in disagreeable and bitter words,
those two foremost of heroes of Kuru's race stood, casting angry glances
upon each other, like Shakra and Vritra in fight."

--------------------END OF PARVA 9 : UPA-PARVA 55 ---------------------