"The Rishis said, 'O Rama, this Samantapanchaka is said to be the eternal
northern altar of Brahman, the Lord of all creatures. There the denizens
of heaven, those givers of great boons, performed in days of yore a great
sacrifice. That foremost of royal sages, the high-souled Kuru, of great
intelligence and immeasurable energy, had cultivated this field for many
years. Hence it came to be Kurukshetra (the field of Kuru)!'
"Rama said, 'For what reason did the high-souled Kuru cultivate this
field? I desire to have this narrated by you, the Rishis possessed of
wealth of penances!'
"The Rishis said, 'In days of yore, O Rama, Kuru was engaged in
perseveringly tilling the soil of this field. Shakra, coming down from
heaven, asked him the reason, saying, "Why O king, are you employed (in
this task) with such perseverance? What is your purpose, O royal sage, for
the accomplishment of which you are tilling the soil?" Kuru thereupon
replied, saying, "O you of a hundred sacrifices, they that will die upon
this plain shall proceed to regions of blessedness after being cleansed
of their sins!" The lord Shakra, ridiculing this, went back to heaven.
The royal sage Kuru, however, without being at all depressed, continued
to till the soil. Shakra repeatedly came to him and repeatedly receiving
the same reply went away ridiculing him. Kuru, however, did not, on that
account, feel depressed. Seeing the king till the soil with unflagging
perseverance. Shakra summoned the celestials and informed them of the
monarch's occupation. Hearing Indra's words, the celestials said unto
their chief of a 1,000 eyes, "Stop the royal sage, O Shakra by granting
him a boon, if you canst! If men, by only dying there were to come to
heaven, without having performed sacrifices to us, our very existence
will be endangered!" Thus exhorted, Shakra then came back to that royal
sage and said, "Do not toil any more! Act according to my words! Those
men that will die here, having abstained from food with all their senses
awake, and those that will perish here in battle, shall, O king, come to
heaven! They, O you of great soul, shall enjoy the blessings of heaven,
O monarch!" Thus addressed, king Kuru answered Shakra, saying, "So be
it!" Taking Kuru's leave, the slayer of Vala, Shakra, then, with a joyful
heart, quickly went back to heaven. Even thus, O foremost one of Yadu's
race, that royal sage had, in days of yore, tilled this plain and Shakra
had promised great merit unto those that would cast off their bodies
here. Indeed, it was sanctioned by all the foremost ones, headed by
Brahman, among the gods, and by the sacred Rishis, that on earth there
should be no more sacred spot than this! Those men that perform austere
penances here would all after casting off their bodies go to Brahman's
abode. Those meritorious men, again, that would give away their wealth
here would soon have their wealth doubled. They, again, that will, in
expectation of good, reside constantly here, will never have to visit the
region of Yama. Those kings that will perform great sacrifices here will
reside as long in heaven as Earth herself will last. The chief of the
celestials, Shakra, himself composed a verse here and sang it. Listen to
it, O Baladeva! "The very dust of Kurukshetra, borne away by the wind,
shall cleanse persons of wicked acts and bear them to heaven!" The
foremost ones amongst the gods, as also those amongst the Brahmanas, and
many foremost ones among the kings of the Earth such as Nriga and others,
having performed costly sacrifices here, after abandoning their bodies,
proceeded to heaven. The space between the Tarantuka and the Arantuka and
the lakes of Rama and Shamachakra, is known as Kurukshetra.
Samantapanchaka is called the northern (sacrificial) altar of Brahman,
the Lord of all creatures. Auspicious and highly sacred and much regarded
by the denizens of heaven is this spot that possesses all attributes. It
is for this that Kshatriyas slain in battle here obtain sacred regions of
eternal blessedness. Even this was said by Shakra himself about the high
blessedness of Kurukshetra. All that Shakra said was again approved and
sanctioned by Brahman, by Vishnu, and by Maheshvara.'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 9 : UPA-PARVA 53 ---------------------