Friday, January 2, 2015

Parva 09 049


Vaishampayana said, "The mighty chief of the Yadus, having proceeded to
Indra's tirtha, bathed there according to due rites and gave away wealth
and gems unto the Brahmanas. There the chief of the celestials had
performed a hundred horse sacrifices and given away enormous wealth unto
Brihaspati. Indeed, through the assistance of Brahmanas conversant with
the Vedas, Shakra performed all those sacrifices there, according to
rites ordained (in the scriptures). Those sacrifices were such that
everything in them was unstinted. Steeds of all kinds were brought there.
The gifts to Brahmanas were profuse. Having duly completed those hundred
sacrifices, O chief of the Bharatas, Shakra of great splendour came to be
called by the name of Satakratu. That auspicious and sacred tirtha,
capable of cleansing from every sin, thereupon came to be called after
his name as Indra-tirtha. Having duly bathed there, Baladeva worshipped
the Brahmanas with presents of excellent food and robes. He then
proceeded to that auspicious and foremost of tirthas called after the
name of Rama. The highly blessed Rama of Bhrigu's race, endued with great
ascetic merit, repeatedly subjugated the Earth and slew all the foremost
of Kshatriyas. (After achieving such feats) Rama performed in that tirtha
a Vajapeya sacrifice and a hundred horse sacrifices through the
assistance of his preceptor Kasyapa, that best of Munis. There, as
sacrificial fee, Rama gave unto his preceptor the whole earth with her
oceans. The great Rama, having duly bathed there, made presents unto the
Brahmanas, O Janamejaya, and worshipped them thus. Having made diverse
present consisting of diverse kinds of gems as also kine and elephants
and female slaves and sheep and goats, he then retired into the woods.
Having bathed in that sacred and foremost of tirthas that was the resort
of gods and regenerate Rishis, Baladeva duly worshipped the ascetics
there, and then proceeded to the tirtha called Yamuna. Endued with great
effulgence, Varuna, the highly blessed son of Aditi, had in days of yore
performed in that tirtha the Rajasuya sacrifice, O lord of Earth! Having
in battle subjugated both men and celestials and Gandharvas and
Rakshasas, Varuna, O king, that slayer of hostile heroes, performed his
grand sacrifice in that tirtha. Upon the commencement of that foremost of
sacrifices, a battle ensued between the gods and the Danavas inspiring
the three worlds with terror. After the completion of that foremost of
sacrifices, the Rajasuya (of Varuna), a terrible battle, O Janamejaya,
ensued amongst the Kshatriyas. The ever-liberal and puissant Baladeva
having worshipped the Rishis there, made many presents unto those that
desired them. Filled with joy and praised by the great Rishis, Baladeva,
that hero ever decked with garlands of wild flowers and possessed of eyes
like lotus leaves, then proceeded to the tirtha called Aditya. There, O
best of kings, the adorable Surya of great splendour, having performed a
sacrifice, obtained the sovereignty of all luminous bodies (in the
universe) and acquired also his great energy. There, in that tirtha
situated on the bank of that river, all the gods with Vasava at their
head, the Viswedevas, the Maruts, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the
Island-born (Vyasa), Suka, Krishna the slayer of Madhu, the Yakshas, the
Rakshasas, and the Pisachas, O king, and diverse others, numbering by
thousands, all crowned with ascetic success, always reside. Indeed in
that auspicious and sacred tirtha of the Sarasvati, Vishnu himself,
having in days of yore slain the Asuras, Madhu and Kaitabha, had, O chief
of the Bharatas, performed his ablutions. The island-born (Vyasa) also,
of virtuous soul, O Bharata, having bathed in that tirtha, obtained great
Yoga powers and attained to high success. Endued with great ascetic
merit, the Rishi Asita-Devala also, having bathed in that very tirtha
with soul rapt in high Yoga meditation, obtained great Yoga powers."

--------------------END OF PARVA 9 : UPA-PARVA 49 ---------------------