Friday, January 2, 2015

Parva 09 039


Vaishampayana said, "Having passed one night more, Rama, having the
plough for his weapon, worshipped the dwellers of that tirtha and showed
his regard for Mankanaka. Having given wealth unto the Brahmanas, and
passed the night there, the hero having the plough for his weapon was
worshipped by the Munis. Rising up in the morning, he took leave of all
the ascetics, and having touched the sacred water, O Bharata, set out
quickly for other tirthas. Baladeva then went to the tirtha known by the
name of Usanas. It is also called Kapalamochana. Formerly, Rama (the son
of Dasaratha) slew a Rakshasa and hurled his head to a great distance.
That head, O king, fell upon the thigh of a great sage named Mahodara and
struck to it. Bathing in this tirtha, the great Rishi became freed from
the burthen. The high-souled Kavi (Sukra) had performed his ascetic
penances there. It was there that the whole science of politics and
morals (that goes by Sukra's name) appeared to him by inward light. While
residing there, Sukra meditated upon the war of the Daityas and the
Danavas (with the gods). Arrived at that foremost of tirthas, Baladeva, O
king, duly made presents unto the high-souled Brahmanas.'

Janamejaya said, "Why is it called Kapalamochana, where the great Muni
became freed (from the Rakshasa's head)? For what reason and how did that
head stick unto him?"

Vaishampayana said, "Formerly, O tiger among kings, the high-souled Rama
(the son of Dasaratha) lived (for some time) in the forest of Dandaka,
from desire of slaying the Rakshasas. At Janasthana he cut off the head
of a wicked-souled Rakshasa with a razor-headed shaft of great sharpness.
That head fell in the deep forest. That head, coursing at will (through
the welkin) fell upon the thigh of Mahodara while the latter was
wandering through the woods. Piercing his thigh, O king, it struck to it
and remained there. In consequence of that head thus sticking to his
thigh, the Brahmana (Mahodara) of great wisdom could not (with ease)
proceed to tirthas and other sacred spots. Afflicted with great pain and
with putrid matter flowing from his thigh, he went to all the tirthas of
the Earth (one after another), as heard by us. He went to all the rivers
and to the ocean also. (Not finding any relief) the great ascetic spoke
of his sufferings to many Rishis of cleansed souls about his having
bathed in all the tirthas without having found the relief he sought. That
foremost of Brahmanas then heard from those sages words of high import
about this foremost of tirthas situate on the Sarasvati, and known by the
name of Usanasa, which was represented as competent to cleanse from every
sin and as an excellent spot for attaining to (ascetic) success. That
Brahmana, then, repairing to that Usanasa tirtha, bathed in its waters.
Upon this, the Rakshasa's head, leaving the thigh, fell into the water.
Freed from that (dead) head, the Rishi felt great happiness. As regards
the head itself, it was lost in the waters. Mahodara then, O king, freed
from the Rakshasa's head, cheerfully returned, with cleansed soul and all
his sins washed away, to his asylum after achieving success. The great
ascetic thus freed, after returning to his sacred asylum, spoke of what
had happened to those Rishis of cleansed souls. The assembled Rishis,
having heard his words, bestowed the name of Kapalamochana on the tirtha.
The great Rishi Mahodara, repairing once more to that foremost of
tirthas, drank its water and attained to great ascetic success. He of
Madhu's race, having given away much wealth unto the Brahmanas and
worshipped them, then proceeded to the asylum of Rushangu. There, O
Bharata, Arshtishena had in former days undergone the austerest of
penances. There the great Muni Vishvamitra (who had before been a
Kshatriya) became a Brahmana. That great asylum is capable of granting
the fruition of every wish. It is always, O lord, the abode of Munis and
Brahmanas. Baladeva of great beauty, surrounded by Brahmanas, then went
to that spot, O monarch, where Rushangu had, in former days, cast off his
body. Rushangu, O Bharata, was an old Brahmana, who was always devoted to
ascetic penances. Resolved to cast off his body, he reflected for a long
while. Endued with great ascetic merit, he then summoned all his sons and
told them to take him to a spot where water was abundant. Those ascetics,
knowing their sire had become very old, took that ascetic to a tirtha on
the Sarasvati. Brought by his sons to the sacred Sarasvati containing
hundreds of tirthas and on whose banks dwelt Rishis unconnected with the
world, that intelligent ascetic of austere penance bathed in that tirtha
according to due rites, and that foremost of Rishis conversant with the
merits of tirthas, then cheerfully said, O tiger among men, unto all his
sons, who were dutifully waiting upon him, these words, 'He that would
cast off his body on the northern bank of the Sarasvati containing much
water, while employed in mentally reciting sacred mantras, would never
again be afflicted with death!' The righteoussouled Baladeva, touching
the water of that tirtha and bathing in it, gave considerable wealth unto
the Brahmanas, being devoted to them. Possessed of great might and great
prowess Baladeva then proceeded to that tirtha where the adorable
Grandsire had created the mountains called Lokaloka, where that foremost
of Rishis, Arshtishena of rigid vows, O you of Kuru's race, had by
austere penances acquired the status of Brahmanhood, where the royal sage
Sindhudwipa, and the great ascetic Devapi, and the adorable and
illustrious Muni Vishvamitra of austere penances and fierce energy, had
all acquired a similar status."

--------------------END OF PARVA 9 : UPA-PARVA 39 ---------------------