Saturday, May 10, 2014

Parva 01 126


(Sambhava Parva continued)

"Vaisampayana said, 'The godlike Rishis, wise in counsels, beholding the
death of Pandu, consulted with one another, and said, 'The virtuous and
renowned king Pandu, abandoning both sovereignty, and kingdom came hither
for practising ascetic austerities and resigned himself to the ascetics
dwelling on this mountain. He hath hence ascended to heaven, leaving his
wife and infant sons as a trust in our hands. Our duty now is to repair
to his kingdom with these his offspring, and his wife.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Then those godlike Rishis of magnanimous
hearts, and crowned with ascetic success, summoning one another, resolved
to go to Hastinapura with Pandu's children ahead, desiring to place them
in the hands of Bhishma and Dhritarashtra. The ascetics set out that very
moment, taking with them those children and Kunti and the two dead
bodies. And though unused to toil all her life, the affectionate Kunti
now regarded as very short the really long journey she had to perform.
Having arrived at Kurujangala within a short time, the illustrious Kunti
presented herself at the principal gate. The ascetics then charged the
porters to inform the king of their arrival. The men carried the message
in a trice to the court. And the citizens of Hastinapura, hearing of the
arrival of thousands of Charanas and Munis, were filled with wonder. And
it was soon after sunrise that they began to come out in numbers with
their wives and children to behold those ascetics. Seated in all kinds of
cars and conveyances by thousands, vast numbers of Kshatriyas with their
wives, and Brahmanas with theirs came out. And the concourse of Vaisyas
and Sudras too was as large on the occasion. The vast assemblage was very
peaceful, for every heart then was inclined to piety. And there also came
out Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and Somadatta or Valhika and the royal
sage (Dhritarashtra) endued with the vision of knowledge and Vidura
himself and the venerable Satyavati and the illustrious princess of
Kosala and Gandhari accompanied by the other ladies of the royal
household. And the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra, decked with various
ornaments, also came out.

"The Kauravas, then, accompanied by their priest, saluted the Rishis by
lowering their heads, and took their seats before them. The citizens also
saluting the ascetics and bowing down unto them with touching the ground,
took their seats there. Then Bhishma, setting that vast concourse
perfectly still, duly worshipped, O king, those ascetics by offering them
water to wash their feet with and the customary Arghya. And having done
this, he spoke unto them about the sovereignty and the kingdom. Then the
oldest of the ascetics with matted locks on head and loins covered with
animal skin, stood up, and with the concurrence of the other Rishis,
spoke as follows, 'You all know that that possessor of the sovereignty of
the Kurus who was called king Pandu, had, after abandoning the pleasures
of the world, repaired hence to dwell on the mountain of a hundred peaks.
He adopted the Brahmacharya mode of life, but for some inscrutable
purpose the gods have in view, this his eldest son, Yudhishthira, was
born there, begotten by Dharma himself. Then that illustrious king
obtained from Vayu this other son--the foremost of all mighty men--called
Bhima. This other son, begotten upon Kunti by Indra, is Dhananjaya whose
achievements will humble all bowmen in the world. Look here again at
these tigers among men, mighty in the use of the bow, the twin children
begotten upon Madri by the twin Aswins. Leading in righteousness the life
of a Vanaprastha in the woods, illustrious Pandu hath thus revived the
almost extinct line of his grandfather. The birth, growth, and Vedic
studies of these children of Pandu, will, no doubt, give you great
pleasure. Steadily adhering to the path of the virtuous and the wise, and
leaving behind him these children, Pandu departed hence seventeen days
ago. His wife Madri, beholding him placed in the funeral pyre and about
to be consumed, herself ascended the same pyre, and sacrificing her life
thus, hath gone with her lord to the region reserved for chaste wives.
Accomplish now whatever rites should be performed for their benefit.
These are (the unburnt portions of) their bodies. Here also are their
children--these oppressors of foes--with their mother. Let these be now
received with due honours. After the completion of the first rites in
honour of the dead, let the virtuous Pandu, who had all along been the
supporter of the dignity of the Kurus, have the first annual Sraddha
(sapindakarana) performed with a view to installing him formally among
the Pitris.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'The ascetics with Guhyakas, having said this
unto the Kurus, instantly disappeared in the very sight of the people.
And beholding the Rishis and the Siddhas thus vanish in their sight like
vapoury forms appearing and disappearing in the skies, the citizens
filled with wonder returned to their homes.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 1 : UPA-PARVA 126 ---------------------