Thursday, May 22, 2014

Parva 01 217


(Arjuna-vanavasa Parva continued)

"Vaisampayana said, 'Then the son of the wielder of the thunderbolt
narrated everything unto those Brahmanas (residing with him there), set
out for the breast of Himavat. Arriving at the spot called Agastyavata,
he next went to Vasishtha's peak. Thence the son of Kunti proceeded to
the peak of Bhrigu. Purifying himself with ablutions and other rites
there, that foremost of the Kurus gave away unto Brahmanas many thousands
of cows and many houses. Thence that best of men proceeded to the sacred
asylum called Hiranyavindu. Performing his ablutions there, that foremost
of the sons of Pandu saw many holy regions. Descending from those heights
that chief of men, O Bharata, accompanied by the Brahmanas, journeyed
towards the east, desiring to behold the regions that lay in that
direction. That foremost one of Kuru's race saw many regions of sacred
waters one after another. And beholding in the forest of Naimisha the
delightful river Utpalini (full of lotuses) and the Nanda and the Apara
Nanda, the far-famed Kausiki, and the mighty rivers Gaya and Ganga, and
all the regions of sacred water, he purified himself, O Bharata, (with
the usual rites), and gave away many cows unto Brahmanas. Whatever
regions of sacred waters and whatever other holy palaces there were in
Vanga and Kalinga, Arjuna visited all of them. Seeing them all and
performing proper ceremonies, he gave away much wealth. Then, O Bharata,
all those Brahmanas following the son of Pandu, bade him farewell at the
gate of the kingdom of Kalinga and desisted from proceeding with him any
further. The brave Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, obtaining their leave,
went towards the ocean, accompanied by only a few attendants. Crossing
the country of the Kalingas, the mighty one proceeded, seeing on his way
diverse countries and sacred spots and diverse delightful mansions and
houses. Beholding the Mahendra mountain adorned with the ascetics
(residing there), he went to Manipura, proceeding slowly along the
sea-shore. Beholding all the sacred waters and other holy places in that
province, the strong-armed son of Pandu at last went, O king, to the
virtuous Chitravahana, the ruler of Manipura. The king of Manipura had a
daughter of great beauty named Chitrangada. And it so happened that
Arjuna beheld her in her father's palace roving at pleasure. Beholding
the handsome daughter of Chitravahana, Arjuna desired to possess her.
Going unto the king (her father), he represented unto him what he sought.
He said. 'Give away unto me your daughter, O king! I am an illustrious
Kshatriya's son.' Hearing this, the king asked him, 'Whose son are thou?'
Arjuna replied, 'I am Dhananjaya, the son of Pandu and Kunti.' The king,
hearing this, spoke unto him these words in sweet accents, 'There was in
our race a king of the name of Prabhanjana, who was childless. To obtain
a child, he underwent severe ascetic penances. By his severe asceticism,
O Partha, he gratified that god of gods, Mahadeva, the husband of Uma,
that supreme Lord holding (the mighty bow called) Pinaka. The illustrious
Lord granted him the boon that each successive descendant of his race
should have one child only. In consequence of that boon only one child is
born unto every successive descendant of this race. All my ancestors (one
after another) had each a male child. I, however, have only a daughter to
perpetuate my race. But, O bull amongst men, I ever look upon this
daughter of mine as my son. O bull of Bharata's race, I have duly made
her a Putrika. Therefore, one amongst the sons that may be begotten upon
her by thee, O Bharata, shall be the perpetuator of my race. That son is
the dower for which I may give away my daughter. O son of Pandu, if them
choosest, you canst take her upon this understanding.' Hearing these
words of the king, Arjuna accepted them all, saying, 'So be it.' Taking
Chitravahana's daughter (as his wife), the son of Kunti resided in that
city for three years. When Chitrangada at last gave birth to a son,
Arjuna embraced that handsome princess affectionately. And taking leave
of the king (her father), he set out on his wanderings again.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 1 : UPA-PARVA 217 ---------------------