(Rajya-labha Parva continued)
"Narada continued, 'Meanwhile the Asura brothers having subjugated the
earth were without a rival. The fatigue of exertion gone, they, having
brought the three worlds under equal sway, regarded themselves as persons
that had nothing more to do. Having brought all the treasures of the
gods, the Gandharvas, the Yakshas, the Nagas, the Rakshasas, and the
kings of the earth, the brothers began to pass their days in great
happiness. When they saw they had no rivals (in the three worlds), they
gave up all exertion and devoted their time to pleasure and merriment,
like the celestials. They experienced great happiness by giving
themselves up to every kind of enjoyment, such as women, and perfumes and
floral wreaths and viands, and drinks and many other agreeable objects
all in profusion. In houses and woods and gardens, on hills and in
forests, wherever they liked they passed their time in pleasure and
amusement, like the immortals. And it so happened that one day they went
for purposes of pleasure to a tableland of the Vindhya range, perfectly
level and stony, and overgrown with blossoming trees. After every object
of desire, all of the most agreeable kind, had been brought, the brothers
sat on an excellent seat, with happy hearts and accompanied by handsome
women. And those damsels, desirous of pleasing the brothers, commenced a
dance in accompaniment to music, and sweetly chanted many a song in
praise of the mighty pair.'
"Meanwhile Tilottama attired in a single piece of red silk that exposed
all her charms, came along, plucking wild flowers on her way. She
advanced slowly to where those mighty Asuras were. The Asura brothers,
intoxicated with the large portions they had imbibed, were smitten upon
beholding that maiden of transcendent beauty. Leaving their seats they
went quickly to where the damsel was. Both of them being under the
influence of lust, each sought the maiden for himself. And Sunda seized
that maid of fair brows by her right hand. Intoxicated with the boons
they had obtained, with physical might, with the wealth and gems they had
gathered from every quarter, and with the wine they had drunk, maddened
with all these, and influenced by wishful desire, they addressed each
other, each contracting his bow in anger, 'She is my wife, and therefore
your superior,' said Sunda. 'She is my wife, and therefore your
sister-in-law', replied Upasunda. And they said unto each other, 'She is
mine not yours.' And soon they were under the influence of rage. Maddened
by the beauty of the damsel, they soon forgot their love and affection
for each other. Both of them, deprived of reason by passion, then took up
their fierce maces. Each repeating, I was the first, I was the first,'
(in taking her hand) struck the other. And the fierce Asuras, struck by
each other with the mace, fell down upon the ground, their bodies bathed
in blood, like two suns dislodged from the firmament. And beholding this,
the women that had come there, and the other Asuras there present, all
fled away trembling in grief and fear, and took refuge in the nether
regions. The Grandsire himself of pure soul, then came there, accompanied
by the celestials, and the great Rishis. And the illustrious Grandsire
applauded Tilottama and expressed his wish of granting her a boon. The
Supreme Deity, before Tilottama spoke, desirous of granting her a boon,
cheerfully said, 'O beautiful damsel, you shalt roam in the region of
the Adityas. Thy splendour shall be so great that nobody will ever be
able to look at you for any length of time!' The Grandsire of all
creatures, granting this boon unto her, establishing the three worlds in
Indra as before, returned to his own region.'
"Narada continued, 'It was thus that Asuras, ever united and inspired by
the same purpose slew each other in wrath for the sake of Tilottama.
Therefore, from affection I tell you, the foremost ones of Bharata's line,
that if you desire to do anything agreeable to me, make some such
arrangements that you may not quarrel with one another for the sake of
"Vaisampayana continued, 'The illustrious Pandavas, thus addressed by the
great Rishi Narada, consulting with one another, established a rule
amongst themselves in the presence of the celestial Rishi himself endued
with immeasurable energy. And the rule they made was that when one of
them would be sitting with Draupadi, any of the other four who would see
that one thus must retire into the forest for twelve years, passing his
days as a Brahmacharin. After the virtuous Pandavas had established that
rule amongst themselves, the great Muni Narada, gratified with them, went
to the place he wished. Thus, O Janamejaya, did the Pandavas urged by
Narada, established a rule amongst themselves in regard to their common
wife. And it was for this, O Bharata, that no dispute ever arose between
--------------------END OF PARVA 1 : UPA-PARVA 214 ---------------------