Monday, May 12, 2014

Parva 01 200


(Vaivahika Parva continued)

"Vaisampayana said, 'Drupada, on hearing this, observed, O great Rishi,
it was only when I had not heard this from you that I had sought to act
in the way I told you of. Now, however, that I know all, I cannot be
indifferent to what hath been ordained by the gods. Therefore do I
resolve to accomplish what you hast said. The knot of destiny cannot be
untied. Nothing in this world is the result of our own acts. That which
had been appointed by us in view of securing one only bridegroom hath now
terminated in favour of many. As Krishna (in a former life) had
repeatedly said, 'O, give me a husband!' the great god himself even gave
her the boon she had asked. The god himself knows the right or wrong of
this. As regards myself, when Sankara hath ordained so, right or wrong,
no sin can attach to me. Let these with happy hearts take, as ordained,
the hand of Krishna with the rites.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Then the illustrious Vyasa, addressing
Yudhishthira the just, said, 'This day is an auspicious day, O son of
Pandu! This day the moon has entered the constellation called Pushya.
Take you the hand of Krishna today, thyself first before your brothers!'
When Vyasa had said so, king Yajnasena and his son made preparations for
the wedding. And the monarch kept ready various costly articles as
marriage presents. Then he brought out his daughter Krishna, decked,
after a bath, with many jewels and pearls. Then there came to witness the
wedding all the friends and relatives of the king, ministers of state,
and many Brahmanas and citizens. And they all took their seats according
to their respective ranks. Adorned with that concourse of principal men,
with its yard decked with lotuses and lilies scattered thereupon, and
beautified with lines of troops, king Drupada's palace, festooned around
with diamonds and precious stones, looked like the firmament studded with
brilliant stars. Then those princes of the Kuru line, endued with youth
and adorned with ear-rings, attired in costly robes and perfumed with
sandal-paste, bathed and performed the usual religious rites and
accompanied by their priest Dhaumya who was possessed of the splendour of
fire, entered the wedding hall one after another in due order, and with
glad hearts, like mighty bulls entering a cow-pen. Then Dhaumya,
well-conversant with the Vedas, igniting the sacred fire, poured with due
mantras libations of clarified butter into that blazing element. And
calling Yudhishthira there, Dhaumya, acquainted with mantras, united him
with Krishna. Walking round the fire the bridegroom and the bride took
each other's hand. After their union was complete, the priest Dhaumya,
taking leave of Yudhishthira, that ornament of battles, went out of the
palace. Then those mighty car-warriors,--those perpetuators of the Kuru
line,--those princes attired in gorgeous dresses, took the hand of that
best of women, day by day in succession, aided by that priest. O king,
the celestial Rishi told me of a very wonderful and extraordinary thing
in connection with these marriages, viz., that the illustrious princess
of slender waist regained her virginity every day after a previous
marriage. After the weddings were over, king Drupada gave unto those
mighty car-warriors diverse kinds of excellent wealth. And the king gave
unto them one hundred cars with golden standards, each drawn by four
steeds with golden bridles. And he gave them one hundred elephants all
possessing auspicious marks on their temples and faces and like unto a
hundred mountains with golden peaks. He also gave them a hundred female
servants all in the prime of youth and clad in costly robes and ornaments
and floral wreaths. And the illustrious monarch of the Lunar race gave
unto each of those princes of celestial beauty, making the sacred fire a
witness of his gifts, much wealth and many costly robes and ornaments of
great splendour. The sons of Pandu endued with great strength, after
their wedding were over, and after they had obtained Krishna like unto a
second Sri along with great wealth, passed their days in joy and
happiness, like so many Indras, in the capital of the king of the

--------------------END OF PARVA 1 : UPA-PARVA 200 ---------------------