"Yudhishthira said, 'What should a man do in order to pass pleasantly
through this and the other world. How, indeed, should one conduct
oneself? What practices should one adopt with this end in view?'
"Bhishma said, 'One should avoid the three acts that are done with the
body, the four that are done with speech, the three that are done with
the mind, and the ten paths of action. The three acts that are done with
the body and should be wholly avoided are the destruction of the lives of
other creatures, theft or appropriation of what belongs to other persons,
and the enjoyment of other people's wives. The four acts that are done
with speech, O king, and that should never be indulged in or even thought
of, are evil conversation, harsh words, publishing other people's faults,
and falsehood. Coveting the possessions of others, doing injury to
others, and disbelief in the ordinances of the Vedas, are the three acts
done with the mind which should always be avoided.[31] Hence, one should
never do any evil act in word, body, or mind. By doing good and evil
acts, one is sure to enjoy or endure the just consequences thereof.
Nothing can be more certain than this.'"