Thursday, July 9, 2015

Parva 13 086


"Yudhishthira said, 'Thou hast, O grandsire, discoursed to me, in detail
on the merits that attach to the gift of gold agreeably with the
ordinances laid down in the scriptures as indicated in the auditions of
the Veda. Thou hast also narrated what the origin is of gold. Do thou
tell me now how Taraka met with destruction. Thou hast said, O king, that
Asura had become unslayable by the gods. Do thou tell me in detail how
his destruction was brought about. O perpetuator of Kuru's race, I desire
to hear this from thee. I mean the details of Taraka's slaughter. Great
is my curiosity to hear the narrative.'

"Bhishma said, 'The gods and the Rishis, O monarch, reduced to great
distress (by Taraka's prowess and the conduct of Ganga in casting off
Agni's seed), urged the six Krittikas to rear that child. Amongst the
celestial ladies there were none, save these, that could, by their
energy, bear the seed of Agni in their wombs. The god of fire became
exceedingly gratified with those goddesses for their readiness to sustain
the conception caused by the cast off seed of Agni which was endued with
his own high energy. When the energy of Agni, O king, was divided into
six portions and placed within the channels (leading to the womb), the
six Krittikas began to nourish the portion that each held in her womb. As
the high-souled Kumara, however, began to grow within their wombs, their
bodies being afflicted by his energy, they failed to obtain peace
anywhere (in heaven or on earth). Filled with energy as their bodies
were, the time at last came for delivery. All of them, it so happened, O
prince of men, delivered at the same time. Though held in six different
wombs, yet all the portions, as they came out, united into one. The
goddess Earth held the child, taking it up from a heap of gold. Verily,
the child, endued with excellent form, blazed with splendour even like
the god of Fire. Of beautiful features, he began to grow in a delightful
forest of reeds. The six Krittikas beheld that child of theirs looking
like the morning sun in splendour. Filled with affection for
him,--indeed, loving him very much,--they began to rear him with the
sustenance of their breasts. In consequence of his having been born of
the Krittikas and reared by them, he came to be known throughout the
three worlds as Kartikeya. Having sprung from the seed which had fallen
off from Rudra he was named Skanda, and because of his birth in the
solitude of a forest of reeds he came to be called by the name of Guha
(the secret-born). The gods numbering three and thirty, the points of the
compass (in their embodied forms) together with the deities presiding
over them, and Rudra and Dhatri and Vishnu and Yama and Pushan and
Aryaman and Bhaga, and Angas and Mitra and the Sadhyas and Vasava and the
Vasus and the Aswins and the Waters and the Wind and the Firmament and
Chandramas and all the Constellations and the Planets and Surya, and all
the Ricks and Samans and Yajuses in their embodied forms, came there to
behold that wonderful child who was the son of the deity of blazing
flames. The Rishis uttered hymns of praise and the Gandharvas sang in
honour of that child called Kumara of six heads, twice six eyes, and
exceedingly devoted to the Brahmanas. His shoulders were broad, and he
had a dozen arms, and the splendour of his person resembled that of fire
and Aditya. As he lay stretched on a clump of heath, the gods with the
Rishis, beholding him, became filled with great delight and regarded the
great Asura as already slain. The deities then began to bring him diverse
kinds of toys and articles that could amuse him. As he played like a
child, diverse kinds of toys and birds were given unto him. Garuda of
excellent feathers gave unto him a child of his, viz., a peacock endued
with plumes of variegated hue. The Rakshasas gave unto him a boar and a
buffalo. Aruna himself gave him a cock of fiery splendour. Chandramas
gave him a sheep, and Aditya gave him some dazzling rays of his. The
mother of all kine, viz., Surabhi, gave him kine by hundreds and
thousands. Agni gave him a goat possessed of many good qualities. Ila
gave him an abundant quantity of flowers and fruit. Sudhanwan gave him a
riding chariot and a car of Kuvara. Varuna gave him many auspicious and
excellent, products of the Ocean, with some elephants. The chief of the
celestials gave him lions and tigers and pards and diverse kinds of
feathery denizens of the air, and many terrible beasts of prey and many
umbrellas also of diverse kinds. Rakshasas and Asuras, in large bands,
began to walk in the train of that puissant child. Beholding the son of
Agni grow up, Taraka sought, by various means, to effect his destruction,
but he failed to do anything unto that puissant deity. The god in time
invested Agni's son born in the solitude (of a forest of reeds) with the
command of their forces. And they also informed him of the oppressions
committed upon them by the Asura Taraka. The generalissimo of the
celestial forces grew up and became possessed of great energy and
puissance. In time Guha slew Taraka, with his irresistible dart. Verily,
Kumara slew the Asura as easily as if in sport. Having accomplished the
destruction of Taraka he re-established the chief of the deities in his
sovereignty of the three worlds. Endued with mighty prowess, the
celestial generalissimo blazed with beauty and splendour. The puissant
Skanda became the protector of the deities and did what was agreeable to
Sankara. The illustrious son of Pavaka was endued with a golden form.
Verily, Kumara is always the leader of the celestial forces. Gold is the
puissant energy of the god of fire and was born with Kartikeya (from the
same seed). Hence is Gold highly auspicious and, as a valuable, is
excellent and endued with inexhaustible merit. Even thus, O son of Kuru's
race, did Vasishtha recite this discourse unto Rama of Bhrigu's race in
days of old. Do thou, therefore, O king of men, try to make gifts of
Gold. By making gifts of Gold, Rama became cleansed of all his sins, and
finally attained to a high place in heaven that is unattainable by other