Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Parva 15 014


"Vaisampayana said,--'Thus addressed by Vidura, king Dhritarashtra became
highly pleased, O monarch, with the act of Yudhishthira and Jishnu.
Inviting then, after proper examination, thousands of deserving Brahmanas
and superior Rishis, for the sake of Bhishma, as also of his sons and
friends, and causing a large quantity of food and drink to be prepared,
and cars and other vehicles and clothes, and gold and jewels and gems,
and slaves both male and female, and goats and sheep, and blankets and
costly articles to be collected, and villages and fields, and other kines
of wealth to be kept ready, as also elephants and steeds decked with
ornaments, and many beautiful maidens who were the best of their sex,
that foremost of kings gave them away for the advancement of the dead,
naming each of them in due order as the gifts were made. Naming Drona,
and Bhishma, and Somadatta, and Valhika, and king Duryodhana, and each
one of his other sons, and all his well-wishers with Jayadratha numbering
first, those gifts were made in due order. With the approval of
Yudhishthira, that Sraddha-sacrifice became characterised by large gifts
of wealth and profuse presents of jewels and gems and other kinds of
treasure. Tellers and scribes on that occasion, under the orders of
Yudhishthira, ceaselessly asked the old king.--Do thou command, O
monarch, what gifts should be made to these. All things are ready
here.--As soon as the king spoke, they gave away what he directed.[30]
Unto him that was to receive a hundred, a thousand was given, and unto
him that was to receive a thousand was given ten thousand, at the command
of the royal son of Kunti.[31] Like the, clouds vivifying the crops with
their downpours, that royal cloud gratified the Brahmanas by downpours of
wealth. After all those gifts had been distributed, the king, O thou of
great intelligence, then deluged the assembled guests of all the four
orders with repeated surges of food and drink of diverge tastes. Verily,
the Dhritarashtra-ocean, swelling high, with jewels and gems for its
waters, rich with the villages and fields and other foremost of gifts
constituting its verdant islands, heaps of diverse kinds of precious
articles for its rich caves, elephants and steeds for its alligators and
whirlpools, the sound of Mridangas for its deep roars, and clothes and
wealth and precious stories for its waves, deluged the Earth. It was even
in this way, O king, that that monarch made gifts for the advancement in
the other world of his sons and grandsons and Pitris as also of himself
and Gandhari. At last when he became tired with the task of making gifts
in such profusion, that great Gift-sacrifice carne to an end. Even thus
did that king of Kuru's race perform his Gift-sacrifice. Actors and mimes
continually danced and sang on the occasion and contributed to the
merriment of all the guests. Food and drink of diverse tastes were given
away in large quantities. Making gifts in this way for ten days, the
royal son of Amvika, O chief of Bharata's race, became freed from the
debts he owed to his sons and grandsons."'