Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Parva 15 011


"Vaisampayana said, 'After that night had passed away, Dhritarashtra, the
son of Amvika, despatched Vidura to Yudhishthira's mansion. Endued with
great energy and the foremost of all persons possessed of intelligence,
Vidura, having arrived at Yudhishthira's mansion, addressed that foremost
of men, that king of unfading glory, in these words, 'King Dhritarashtra
has undergone the preliminary rites for accomplishing his purpose of
retiring into the woods. He will set out for the woods, O king, on the
coming day of full moon of the month of Kartika. He now solicits from
thee, O foremost one of Kuru's race, some wealth. He wishes to perform
the Sraddha of the high-souled son of Ganga, as also of Drona and
Somadatta and Valhika of great intelligence, and of all his sons as also
of all well-wishers of his that have been slain, and, if thou permittest
it, of that wicked-souled wight, viz., the ruler of the Sindhus.'[29]
Hearing these words of Vidura, both Yudhishthira, and Pandit's son Arjuna
of curly hair, became very glad and applauded them highly. Bhima,
however, of great energy and unappeasable wrath, did not accept those
words of Vidura in good spirits, recollecting the acts of Duryodhana. The
diadem-decked Phalguna, understanding the thoughts of Bhimasena, slightly
bending his face downwards, addressed that foremost of men in these
words, 'O Bhima, our royal father who is advancing in years, has resolved
to retire into the woods. He wishes to make gifts for advancing the
happiness of his slain kinsmen and well-wishers now in the other world. O
thou of Kuru's race, he wishes to give away wealth that belongs to thee
by conquest. Indeed, O mighty-armed one, it is for Bhishma and others
that the old king is desirous of making those gifts. It behoves thee to
grant thy permission. By good luck it is, O thou of mighty arms that
Dhritarashtra today begs wealth of us, he who was formerly begged by us.
Behold the reverse brought about by Time. That king who was before the
lord and protector of the whole Earth, now desires to go into the woods,
his kinsmen and associates all slain by foes. O chief of men, let not thy
views deviate from granting the permission asked for. O mighty-armed one,
refusal, besides bringing infamy, will be productive d demerit. Do thou
learn your duty in this matter from the king, thy eldest brother, who is
lord of all. It becometh thee to give instead of refusing, O chief of
Bharata's race. Vibhatsu who was saying so wag applauded by king
Yudhishthira the just. Yielding to wrath, Bhimasena said these words, 'O
Phalguna, it is we that shall make gifts in the matter of Bhishma's
obsequies, as also of king Somadatta and of Bhurisravas, of the royal
sage Valhika, and of the high-souled Drona, and of all others. Our mother
Kunti shall make such obsequial offerings for Karna. O foremost of men,
let not Dhritarashtra perform those Sraddhas. Even this is what I think.
Let not our foes be gladdened. Let Duryodhana and others sink from a
miserable to a more miserable position. Alas, it was those wretches of
their race that caused the whole Earth to be exterminated. How hast thou
been able to forget that anxiety of twelve long years, and our residence
in deep incognito that was so painful to Draupadi? Where was
Dhritarashtra's affection for us then? Clad in a black deer-skin and
divested of all thy ornaments, with the princess of Panchala in thy
company, didst thou not follow this king? Where were Bhishma and Drona
then, and where was Somadatta? Thou hadst to live for thirteen years in
the woods, supporting thyself on the products of the wilderness. Thy
eldest father did not then look at thee with eyes of parental affection.
Hast thou forgotten, O Partha, that it was this wretch of our race, of
wicked understanding, that enquired of Vidura, when the match at dice was
going on,--'What has been won?' Hearing thus far, king Yudhishthira, the
son of Kunti, endued with great intelligence, rebuked him and told him to
be silent."'