Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Parva 15 012


"Arjuna said, 'O Bhima, thou art my elder brother and, therefore, my
senior and preceptor. I dare not say anything more than what I have
already said. The royal sage Dhritarashtra deserves to be honoured by us
in every respect. They that are good, they that are distinguished above
the common level, they that break not the distinctions which characterise
the good, remember not the wrongs done to them but only the benefits they
have received.' Hearing these words of the high-souled Phalguna, the
righteous-souled Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, addressed Vidura and
said these words, 'Instructed by me, O Kshattri, do thou say unto the
Kuru king that I shall give him as much wealth from my treasury as he
wishes to give away for the obsequies of his song, and of Bhishma and
others among his well-wishers and benefactors. Let not Bhima be cheerless
at this!'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Having said these words, king Yudhishthira the
just, highly applauded Arjuna. Meanwhile Bhimasena began to cast angry
glances at Dhananjaya. Then Yudhishthira, endued with great intelligence,
once more addressed Vidura and said, 'It behoves not king Dhritarashtra
to be angry with Bhimasena. This Bhima of great intelligence was greatly
afflicted by cold and rain and heat and by a thousand other griefs while
residing in the woods. All this is not unknown to thee. Do thou, however,
instructed by me, say unto the king, O foremost one of Bharata's race,
that he may take from my house whatever articles he wishes and in
whatever measure also he likes. Thou shalt also tell the king that he
should not allow his heart to dwell on this exhibition of pride in which
Bhima, deeply afflicted, has indulged. Whatever wealth I have and
whatever Arjuna has in his house, the owner thereof is king
Dhritarashtra. Even this thou shouldst tell him. Let the king make gifts
unto the Brahmanas. Let him spend as largely as he likes. Let him free
himself from the debt he owes to his sons and well-wishers. Let him be
told besides,--O Monarch, this very body of mine is at thy disposal and
all the wealth I have. Know this, and let there be no doubt in this.